It is the reality that a society which becomes lower and becomes weak.Believe it or not,I think it is the sad that people do not believe the justice.

It will pay the cost,and they will not bear.

Many tragic things happen once again.  I can not tolerate the truth which be thought wrongly. So the good minds ,you need to try your best to do it.  Truth, your persistence will see it.

Now the weather is cold. Time elapse fast,however,there are many things which I need to do .I must choose the right. When the exam will reach,I need to prepare for it ,to finish it.Those who will be punished sooner or later.

It is the courage to exersize yourself to overcome it . As the important is that  the persistence. With the wisdom and tolerance,you will be reach at last.

It is the courage的更多相关文章

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