- local redis = require "resty.redis"
- local red = redis:new()
- red:set_timeout() -- sec
- -- or connect to a unix domain socket file listened
- -- by a redis server:
- -- local ok, err = red:connect("unix:/path/to/redis.sock")
- local ok, err = red:connect("", )
- if not ok then
- ngx.say("failed to connect: ", err)
- return
- end
- ok, err = red:set("dog", "an animal")
- if not ok then
- ngx.say("failed to set dog: ", err)
- return
- end
- ngx.say("set result: ", ok)
- local res, err = red:get("dog")
- if not res then
- ngx.say("failed to get dog: ", err)
- return
- end
- if res == ngx.null then
- ngx.say("dog not found.")
- return
- end
- ngx.say("dog: ", res)
- red:init_pipeline()
- red:set("cat", "Marry")
- red:set("horse", "Bob")
- red:get("cat")
- red:get("horse")
- local results, err = red:commit_pipeline()
- if not results then
- ngx.say("failed to commit the pipelined requests: ", err)
- return
- end
- for i, res in ipairs(results) do
- if type(res) == "table" then
- if res[] == false then
- ngx.say("failed to run command ", i, ": ", res[])
- else
- -- process the table value
- end
- else
- -- process the scalar value
- end
- end
- -- put it into the connection pool of size ,
- -- with seconds max idle time
- local ok, err = red:set_keepalive(, )
- if not ok then
- ngx.say("failed to set keepalive: ", err)
- return
- end
- -- or just close the connection right away:
- -- local ok, err = red:close()
- -- if not ok then
- -- ngx.say("failed to close: ", err)
- -- return
- -- end
- ';
- 使用Nginx Lua实现redis高性能http接口
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==========================example for lua json======================= local cjson = require("cj ...
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