Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.


It is the same meaning as the sentence below:

Either you run the day, or the day runs you.

Or this sentence:

If you can't build your own dream, then someone will hire you to build their dreams.

They express the same thoughts.

I often feel that I am driven involuntarily by the life, the chaotic life, I have no time or no space to do things at leisure.

In other words, maybe I had a good plan for the life, but the plan was always interfered by some unexpected things.

It seems the life rides me.

Actually, I shouldn't expect that I can take all the things in my own control, I had better to do things that are in my own control well engough and finish them quickly, then I will have more time and energy to tackle with things I can't control.

Time goes on and on, never to an end but crossings.


Notice these crossings, maybe they are the doors that just open for you.

Don't miss them.

Challenges and obstacles can become the most striking indications that you are well along the way on your Hero's journey. In fact, the bigger the obstacles and challenges you face, the bigger the achievements will be.

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