Live for today and stop stressing out about tomorrow.


Stop bewailing the past misfortune, stop stressing out about the uncertain tomorrow.

The very thing matters is today, and the most important moment is here and now.

If we can live today well, we are sure to have no chance to latent about yesterday and to worry about the future.

Because what we are doing right now will eventually become the past and will be the foundation of tomorrow.

So, just live for today, don't spend too much time on regrets of the past and on daydreaming of the future.

I can make clear every thing you try to reason with me, only at that moment.

All my aspirations and enthusiasms can't last long, a few hours later, I would do the samethings again, as a fool.

Don't consider painful what is good for you.


From Euripides.

Today, I tried to read a literal work written in English, named Moby Dick.

Maybe because it was written in the 19th centruy, more than one hundred years ago, I found it is very difficult to understand the excerpts from it, even if there were no more than one thousand words.

At the very moment, I was overwhelmed by the frustrating feeling:

I have learned this language for about ten years, but I should have failed to understand such short articles.

Soon after, I got relieved, because at least I can read and understand the English news and some technical references.

Just like the experience of learning to use the Nvidia PX2, at the beginning I was confused by some basic concepts, but later after I had spent serveral days reading the reference, I knew how to use it and successfully run some programs on it.

To make it easier, I plan to write some documents about how to use the system, such as how to configure the the compiling and running environment, how to import the sample application and compile it into executable file, how to run the program and debug it.

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