Codeforces820A Mister B and Book Reading 2017-06-28 09:38 67人阅读 评论(0) 收藏
2 seconds
256 megabytes
standard input
standard output
Mister B once received a gift: it was a book about aliens, which he started read immediately. This book had c pages.
At first day Mister B read v0 pages,
but after that he started to speed up. Every day, starting from the second, he read a pages more than on the previous day (at first
day he read v0 pages,
at second — v0 + a pages,
at third — v0 + 2a pages,
and so on). But Mister B is just a human, so he physically wasn't able to read more than v1 pages
per day.
Also, to refresh his memory, every day, starting from the second, Mister B had to reread last l pages he read on the previous day.
Mister B finished the book when he read the last page for the first time.
Help Mister B to calculate how many days he needed to finish the book.
First and only line contains five space-separated integers: c, v0, v1, a and l (1 ≤ c ≤ 1000, 0 ≤ l < v0 ≤ v1 ≤ 1000, 0 ≤ a ≤ 1000)
— the length of the book in pages, the initial reading speed, the maximum reading speed, the acceleration in reading speed and the number of pages for rereading.
Print one integer — the number of days Mister B needed to finish the book.
5 5 10 5 4
12 4 12 4 1
15 1 100 0 0
In the first sample test the book contains 5 pages, so Mister B read it right at the first day.
In the second sample test at first day Mister B read pages number 1 - 4, at second day — 4 - 11,
at third day — 11 - 12 and finished the book.
In third sample test every day Mister B read 1 page of the book, so he finished in 15 days.
题目的意思是有人看书 第一天看v0页,每天比前一天多a页但不会超过v1页,每天会往
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