


○ 点击最上面的input弹出div,此时只显示品牌区域
○ 点击最左边拼音首字母,导航到对应的品牌上
○ 当把鼠标移动到某个品牌上,品牌为选中状态,其对应的车系显示在车系区域
○ 当鼠标不在任何品牌上,所有品牌都为不选中状态
○ 当把鼠标移动到某个车系上,车系为选中状态,其对应的车型显示在车型区域,选中车系的所属品牌也为选中状态
○ 当鼠标不在任何车系上,所有车系、品牌都为不选中状态
○ 当把鼠标移动到某个车型上,车型为选中状态,选中车型的所属车系为选中状态,选中车系所属品牌为选中状态
○ 当鼠标不在任何车型上,所有车型、车系、品牌为不选中状态
○ 点击品牌,品牌显示到input上
○ 点击车系,品牌、车系显示到input上,并以逗号隔开
○ 点击车型,品牌、车系、车型显示到input上,并以逗号隔开
○ 点击div上的关闭按钮或者页面空白区域,div隐藏


○ 最上面的是一个input
○ 品牌、车系、车型被包裹在一个div中,点击关闭按钮或点击空白处关闭的就是这个div
○ 品牌区域是一个div,分为首字母导航div和品牌显示div
○ 车系区域是一个div
○ 车型区域是一个div
○ 品牌、车系、车型内的内容是一些dl, dt, dd的html元素
○ 样式的事情交给css


○ 给input点击事件,点击弹出品牌、车系、车型显示的div,并绑定页面空白区域的点击事件
○ 导航首字母指向锚点,品牌按首字母分类并提供锚点id
○ 在控制器中把品牌按照首字母分类,以json格式返回到前端,填充到tmpl模版,再追加到页面品牌区域
○ 给品牌添加鼠标移上事件,品牌为选中状态,对应的车系显示在车系区域
○ 给品牌添加鼠标移去事件
○ 给品牌添加点击事件,把点击品牌显示到input上
○ 给车系添加鼠标移上事件,当前车系为选中状态,其对应的车型显示在车型区域,其所属的品牌为选中状态
○ 给车系添加鼠标移去事件
○ 给车系添加点击事件,把点击车系和所属品牌显示到input上,以逗号隔开
○ 给车型添加鼠标移上事件,当前车型为选择状态,其所属父类车系为选中状态,车型所属父类品牌也为选中状态
○ 给车型添加点击事件,把点击车型和所属车系、品牌显示到input上,以逗号隔开
○ 给关闭按钮添加点击事件,关闭div,并解除页面空白区域点击事件的绑定


    public class CarCategory
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int PId { get; set; }
        public string FirstLetter { get; set; }
        public string AnchorName { get; set; }
        public int Level { get; set; }

○ PId属性用来表示父类Id,车系的父类Id为某个品牌Id,车型的父类Id为某个车系Id
○ FirstLetter属性用来表示首字母,作为分组的条件
○ AnchorName属性用来表示品牌的锚点id,车系和车型此项为空

在ASP.NET MVC4中,在Shared/Layout.cshtml中,该有的css,js都必须有:

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    @RenderSection("styles", required: false)
    <link href="~/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="~/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

    @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)


   public class Database
        public static IEnumerable<CarCategory> GetCarCategories()
            return new List<CarCategory>()
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 0, Name = "奥迪",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "aa", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 1, Name = "奥斯顿·马丁",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "aa", Level = 1, PId = -1},

                 new CarCategory(){Id = 2, Name = "宝骏",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 3, Name = "巴博斯",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 4, Name = "北汽威旺",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 5, Name = "北汽制造",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 6, Name = "奔驰",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 7, Name = "别克",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 8, Name = "宾利",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 9, Name = "保时捷",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 10, Name = "比亚迪",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 11, Name = "奔腾",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 12, Name = "标致",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 13, Name = "本田",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 14, Name = "宝马",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 15, Name = "北京汽车",FirstLetter = "B",AnchorName = "bb", Level = 1, PId = -1},

                 new CarCategory(){Id = 16, Name = "昌河",FirstLetter = "C",AnchorName = "cc", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 17, Name = "长安",FirstLetter = "C",AnchorName = "cc", Level = 1, PId = -1},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 18, Name = "长城",FirstLetter = "C",AnchorName = "cc", Level = 1, PId = -1},

                 new CarCategory(){Id = 19, Name = "奥迪A4",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "", Level = 2, PId = 0},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 20, Name = "奥迪A6L",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "", Level = 2, PId = 0},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 21, Name = "奥迪Q3",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "", Level = 2, PId = 0},

                 new CarCategory(){Id = 22, Name = "奥迪A4舒适版",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "", Level = 3, PId = 19},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 23, Name = "奥迪A4尊贵版",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "", Level = 3, PId = 19},

                 new CarCategory(){Id = 24, Name = "奥迪A6L舒适版",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "", Level = 3, PId = 20},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 25, Name = "奥迪A6L黄金版",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "", Level = 3, PId = 20},

                 new CarCategory(){Id = 26, Name = "奥迪Q3舒适版",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "", Level = 3, PId = 21},
                 new CarCategory(){Id = 27, Name = "奥迪Q3至尊版",FirstLetter = "A",AnchorName = "", Level = 3, PId = 21},

        public static IEnumerable<CarCategory> GetCarCategoriesByPId(int pid)
            return GetCarCategories().Where(c => c.PId == pid);


   public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

        public ActionResult GetPinPai()
            var allPinPai = Database.GetCarCategories().Where(c => c.Level == 1).OrderBy(c => c.Id);
            var result = from p in allPinPai
                group p by new
                into g
                select new {firstletter = g.Key.FirstLetter, anchor = g.Key.AnchorName, pinpais = g};
            return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

        public ActionResult GetCheXiByPId(int pid)
            var allCheXi = Database.GetCarCategoriesByPId(pid).OrderBy(c => c.Id);
            var result = from c in allCheXi
                select new {chexi = c.Name, cxid = c.Id, parentId = c.PId};
            return Json(result);

        public ActionResult GetCheXingByCxId(int cxid)
            var allCheXing = Database.GetCarCategoriesByPId(cxid).OrderBy(c => c.Id);
            var result = from c in allCheXing
                         select new { chexing = c.Name, chexingid = c.Id, parentId = c.PId };
            return Json(result);


    ViewBag.Title = "Index";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

@section styles
    <link href="~/Content/CarSelect.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<div class="input-group">
   <input type="text" id="mychoice" class="form-control">
   <span class="input-group-btn">
        <button class="btn btn-default" type="button">∨</button>

<div id="carcategory-picker-outer">
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="cancel"></a>
    <div id="carcategory-picker-inner">
        <div id="pinpai" class="carcategory-list">
            <div id="PreLetter">
                <a href="#aa">A</a>
                <a href="#bb">B</a>
                <a href="#cc">C</a>
                <a href="#dd">D</a>
                <a href="#ff">F</a>
                <a href="#gg">G</a>
                <a href="#hh">H</a>
                <a href="#jj">J</a>
                <a href="#kk">K</a>
                <a href="#ll">L</a>
                <a href="#mm">M</a>
                <a href="#nn">N</a>
                <a href="#oo">O</a>
                <a href="#qq">Q</a>
                <a href="#rr">R</a>
                <a href="#ss">S</a>
                <a href="#ww">W</a>
                <a href="#xx">X</a>
                <a href="#yy">Y</a>
                <a href="#zz">Z</a>
            <div id="AllPinPai">

        <div id="chexi" class="carcategory-list">
            <div id="AllCheXi">

        <div id="chexin" class="carcategory-list">
            <div id="AllCheXing">



@section scripts
    <script src="~/Scripts/jquery.tmpl.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {

            $.getJSON('@Url.Action("GetPinPai", "Home")', function(data) {

            $('#mychoice').on("click", function() {
                $('#carcategory-picker-outer').css('display', 'block');
                $("body").bind("mousedown", onBodyDown);//绑定鼠标单击事件

            $('.cancel').on("click", function() {

            $('#AllPinPai').on("mouseover", ".ppm", function() {


                $('#chexi').css("display", "block");

                $.post('@Url.Action("GetCheXiByPId","Home")', { 'pid': $(this).attr('pid') }, function (data) {


            $('#AllPinPai').on("mouseout", ".ppm", function () {

            $('#AllPinPai').on("click", ".ppm", function () {

            $('#AllCheXi').on("mouseover", ".cxm", function () {

                var parentId = $(this).attr('parentid');

                $('#AllPinPai').find("a[pid='" + parentId + "']").addClass('selected');


                $('#chexin').css("display", "block");

                $.post('@Url.Action("GetCheXingByCxId","Home")', { 'cxid': $(this).attr('pid') }, function (data) {

            $('#AllCheXi').on("mouseout", ".cxm", function () {

                var parentId = $(this).attr('parentid');

                $('#AllPinPai').find("a[pid='" + parentId + "']").removeClass('selected');

            $('#AllCheXi').on("click", ".cxm", function () {

                var parentId = $(this).attr('parentid');

                $('#mychoice').val($('#AllPinPai').find("a[pid='" + parentId + "']").text() + "," + $(this).text());


            $('#AllCheXing').on("mouseover", ".cxim", function () {
                var parentId = $(this).attr('parentid');

                $('#AllCheXi').find("a[pid='" + parentId + "']").addClass('selected');

                var parentparentId = $('#AllCheXi').find("a[pid='" + parentId + "']").attr('parentid');

                $('#AllPinPai').find("a[pid='" + parentparentId + "']").addClass('selected');

            $('#AllCheXing').on("mouseout", ".cxim", function () {
                var parentId = $(this).attr('parentid');

                $('#AllCheXi').find("a[pid='" + parentId + "']").removeClass('selected');

                var parentparentId = $('#AllCheXi').find("a[pid='" + parentId + "']").attr('parentid');

                $('#AllPinPai').find("a[pid='" + parentparentId + "']").removeClass('selected');

            $('#AllCheXing').on("click", ".cxim", function () {

                var parentId = $(this).attr('parentid');

                var parentparentId = $('#AllCheXi').find("a[pid='" + parentId + "']").attr('parentid');

                $('#mychoice').val($('#AllPinPai').find("a[pid='" + parentparentId + "']").text() + "," + $('#AllCheXi').find("a[pid='" + parentId + "']").text() + "," + $(this).text());



        function hideMenu() {
            $("body").unbind("mousedown", onBodyDown);

        function onBodyDown(event) {
            if (!(event.target.id == "mychoice" || event.target.id == "carcategory-picker-outer" || $(event.target).parents("#carcategory-picker-outer").length > 0)) {

    <script id="pinpaiTemplate" type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl">

            <dt id="${anchor}">${firstletter}</dt>

            {{if pinpais}}
            {{each pinpais}}<dd><a class="ppm" pid="${$value.Id}">${$value.Name}</a></dd>{{/each}}

    <script id="chexiTemplate" type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl">
            <dd><a class="cxm" pid="${cxid}" parentid="${parentId}">${chexi}</a></dd>

    <script id="chexingTemplate" type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl">
            <dd><a class="cxim" pid="${chexingid}" parentid="${parentId}">${chexing}</a></dd>


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display: none;
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border: 1px solid #e3e3e3; } #AllCheXing dl dd a {
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