
 \begin{figure}[h]  //放在当前位置
\subfigure[A given traffic flow set]{
\includegraphics[width=.2in]{image/7_IndirectBlocking.eps}} \centering
\subfigure[The time line graph]{
\caption{An example of indirect blocking}


 1 \begin{figure*}[t]   //*表示可跨栏,如果不需要可去掉
2 \centering
3 \subfigure[SMART 2D 4*4]{
4 \includegraphics[width=3.3in]{figure/figure3.eps}}
5 \hfill
6 \centering
7 \subfigure[SMART 2D 6*6]{
8 \includegraphics[width=3.3in]{figure/figure4.eps}}
9 \caption{The performance of our algorithm compared with Rate Monotonic and Laxity Monotonic priority assignment algorithms on four different mesh sizes, in terms of the percentage of traffic flows deemed to be schedulable}
10 \end{figure*}


\subfigure[SMART 2D *]{
\subfigure[SMART 2D *]{
\subfigure[SMART 2D *]{
\subfigure[SMART 2D *]{
\includegraphics[width=.3in]{figure/figure6.eps}} \caption{The performance of our algorithm compared with Rate Monotonic and Laxity Monotonic priority assignment algorithms on four different mesh sizes, in terms of the percentage of traffic flows deemed to be schedulable}


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