sql 简单语法
- create database student_info -- 创建数据库
- drop database student_info -- 删除数据库
- -- 创建表
- create table student(
- id int not null primary key,
- name varchar(20) not null,
- age int null,
- sex varchar(10)
- )
- -- 删除表
- drop table student
- -- 修改表,增加一个列
- Alter table student add column address varchar(50)
- 插入(增):insert into student(id, name, address) values(1, 'Xiaohong', 16)
- 删除(删):delete from student where age<=6
- 更新(改):update student set name='Lily' where id=1
- 查询(查):select * from student
- 模糊查询:select * from student where name like '%Xiao%'
- 排序:select * from student order by field1,field2 desc
- 总数:select count(*) as totalcount from student
- 函数:select sum(age) as sumAge, avg(age) as avgAge, max(age) as maxAge, min(age) as minAge from student
- 前几: select top 10 * from student order by age desc
- 去重: select distinct name from student
- 多个条件: select * from student where name like '%Xiao%' and age=16 or age=20
- between: select * from student where age between 10 and 20
- in: select * from student where name in ('Lily', 'Amy')
- 分组: select age, count(*) from student group by age
- 分组带条件: select age, count(*) from student group by age where age >10 having count(*)<5
JOIN: 如果表中有至少一个匹配,则返回行
LEFT JOIN: 即使右表中没有匹配,也从左表返回所有的行
RIGHT JOIN: 即使左表中没有匹配,也从右表返回所有的行
FULL JOIN: 只要其中一个表中存在匹配,就返回行
- create table course(
- cno int not null primary key,
- cname varchar(20) not null
- )
- create table StudentCourse(
- sno int not null,
- cno int not null,
- score double
- )
- -- 表连接, 查找所有学生的选课记录
- select s.name as 学生姓名,sc.cno as 选修课号,sc.score as 成绩
- from student s, StudentCourse sc
- where s.id=sc.sno
- -- 内连接, 查找所有成绩及格的选课记录
- select s.name as 学生姓名,sc.cno as 选修课号,sc.score as 成绩
- from student s
- inner join StudentCourse sc on s.id=sc.sno
- where sc.score>60
- -- 左连接, 查找所有学生的选课记录
- select s.id as 学号,sc.cno as 选修课号,sc.score as 成绩
- from student s
- left join StudentCourse sc on s.id=sc.sno
- -- 嵌套查询, 查找王敏同学的选课记录
- select *
- from StudentCourse
- where sno in (
- select id from student where name='王敏'
- )
- --查找每个学生大于自身平均分的科目
- select cno
- from StudentCourse a
- where score> (
- select avg(score) from StudentCourse b where a.sno=b.sno
- )
5、SQL 约束
- NOT NULL 强制列不能为 NULL 值
- UNIQUE 唯一标识数据库表中的每条记录, 每个表可以有多个 UNIQUE 约束,但是每个表只能有一个 PRIMARY KEY 约束。
- PRIMARY KEY 唯一标识数据库表中的每条记录,主键必须包含唯一的值,主键列不能包含 NULL 值。
- FOREIGN KEY 一个表中的 FOREIGN KEY 指向另一个表中的 PRIMARY KEY,如StuentCource 的sno指向Student的id
- CHECK 在特定的列中对值进行限制
- DEFAULT 设置默认值
- create table student(
- id int not null,
- name varchar(20) not null,
- age int null DEFAULT 1,
- UNIQUE (name),
- CONSTRAINT chk_age check (age>0 AND age<200),
- CONSTRAINT uq_name unique(name)
- )
- -- 创建索引
- create index idx_age on student(age asc)
- create unique index idx_name on student(name)
- -- 删除索引
- drop index idx_name
视图是基于 SQL 语句的结果集的可视化的表。
- -- 删除视图
- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'dbo.young_student') and objectproperty(id, N'isview') = 1)
- drop view young_student
- -- 创建视图
- create view young_student
- as
- select * from student where age<10
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