Python - Tkinter Checkbutton: checkbutton小部件用于显示切换按钮的用户多项选择。然后,用户可以通过点击相应的按钮每个选项中选择一个或多个选项.




w = Checkbutton ( master, option, ... )


  • master: 这表示父窗口.

  • options: 下面是这个小工具最常用的选项列表。这些选项可以作为键 - 值对以逗号分隔.

Option Description
activebackground Background color when the checkbutton is under the cursor.
activeforeground Foreground color when the checkbutton is under the cursor.
bg The normal background color displayed behind the label and indicator.
bitmap To display a monochrome image on a button.
bd The size of the border around the indicator. Default is 2 pixels.
command A procedure to be called every time the user changes the state of this checkbutton.
cursor If you set this option to a cursor name (arrow, dot etc.), the mouse cursor will change to that pattern when it is over the checkbutton.
disabledforeground The foreground color used to render the text of a disabled checkbutton. The default is a stippled version of the default foreground color.
font The font used for the text.
fg The color used to render the text.
height The number of lines of text on the checkbutton. Default is 1.
highlightcolor The color of the focus highlight when the checkbutton has the focus.
image To display a graphic image on the button.
justify If the text contains multiple lines, this option controls how the text is justified: CENTER, LEFT, or RIGHT.
offvalue Normally, a checkbutton's associated control variable will be set to 0 when it is cleared (off). You can supply an alternate value for the off state by setting offvalue to that value.
onvalue Normally, a checkbutton's associated control variable will be set to 1 when it is set (on). You can supply an alternate value for the on state by setting onvalue to that value.
padx How much space to leave to the left and right of the checkbutton and text. Default is 1 pixel.
pady How much space to leave above and below the checkbutton and text. Default is 1 pixel.
relief With the default value, relief=FLAT, the checkbutton does not stand out from its background. You may set this option to any of the other styles
selectcolor The color of the checkbutton when it is set. Default is selectcolor="red".
selectimage If you set this option to an image, that image will appear in the checkbutton when it is set.
state The default is state=NORMAL, but you can use state=DISABLED to gray out the control and make it unresponsive. If the cursor is currently over the checkbutton, the state is ACTIVE.
text The label displayed next to the checkbutton. Use newlines ("\n") to display multiple lines of text.
underline With the default value of -1, none of the characters of the text label are underlined. Set this option to the index of a character in the text (counting from zero) to underline that character.
variable The control variable that tracks the current state of the checkbutton. Normally this variable is an IntVar, and 0 means cleared and 1 means set, but see the offvalue and onvalue options above.
width checkbutton的默认宽度取决于所显示的图像或文字的大小。您可以设置此选项的字符数和checkbutton的,总是有许多字符的空间.
wraplength Normally, lines are not wrapped. You can set this option to a number of characters and all lines will be broken into pieces no longer than that number.



Medthod Description
deselect() Clears (turns off) the checkbutton.
flash() Flashes the checkbutton a few times between its active and normal colors, but leaves it the way it started.
invoke() You can call this method to get the same actions that would occur if the user clicked on the checkbutton to change its state.
select() Sets (turns on) the checkbutton.
toggle() Clears the checkbutton if set, sets it if cleared.



from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox
import Tkinter top = Tkinter.Tk()
CheckVar1 = IntVar()
CheckVar2 = IntVar()
C1 = Checkbutton(top, text = "Music", variable = CheckVar1, \
onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=5, \
width = 20)
C2 = Checkbutton(top, text = "Video", variable = CheckVar2, \
onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height=5, \
width = 20)



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