Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 10000K | |
Total Submissions: 11622 | Accepted: 4178 |
17 + 5 + -21 - 15 = -14
17 + 5 - -21 + 15 = 58
17 + 5 - -21 - 15 = 28
17 - 5 + -21 + 15 = 6
17 - 5 + -21 - 15 = -24
17 - 5 - -21 + 15 = 48
17 - 5 - -21 - 15 = 18
We call the sequence of integers divisible by K if + or - operators can be placed between integers in the sequence in such way that resulting value is divisible by K. In the above example, the sequence is divisible by 7 (17+5+-21-15=-14) but is not divisible by 5.
You are to write a program that will determine divisibility of sequence of integers.
The second line contains a sequence of N integers separated by spaces. Each integer is not greater than 10000 by it's absolute value.
Sample Input
4 7
17 5 -21 15
Sample Output
Divisible 思路:定义bool数组dp[10005][105],dp[i][j]表示前i+1个数所形成的和模上k是否为j.状态转移方程:if(dp[i-1][j]){ dp[i][mod(j+a[i],k)]=true;dp[i][mod(j-a[i],k)]=true;}
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN=;
bool dp[MAXN][];
int a[MAXN];
int n,k;
int mod(int x,int m)
if(x<) x+=m;
return x;
int main()
{ while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&k)!=EOF)
for(int i=;i<n;i++)
for(int i=;i<n;i++)
for(int j=;j<k;j++)
} if(dp[n-][])
printf("Not divisible\n");
return ;
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