DirectX.Capture Class Library  

DirectX.Capture Namespace

The DirectX.Capture namespace contains classes to capture video and audio to AVI files. See the Capture class for information on using this namespace.

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
AudioCapabilities Capabilities of the audio device such as min/max sampling rate and number of channels available.
AudioSource Represents a physical connector or source on an audio device. This class is used on filters that support the IAMAudioInputMixer interface such as source cards.
Capture Use the Capture class to capture audio and video to AVI files.
CrossbarSource Represents a physical connector or source on an audio/video device. This class is used on filters that support the IAMCrossbar interface such as TV Tuners.
DeviceInUseException Exception thrown when the device cannot be rendered or started.
DirectShowPropertyPage Property pages for a DirectShow filter (e.g. hardware device). These property pages do not support persisting their settings.
Filter Represents a DirectShow filter (e.g. video capture device, compression codec).
FilterCollection A collection of Filter objects (DirectShow filters). This is used by the Capture class to provide lists of capture devices and compression filters. This class cannot be created directly.
Filters Provides collections of devices and compression codecs installed on the system.
PropertyPage A base class for representing property pages exposed by filters.
PropertyPageCollection A collection of available PropertyPages in a DirectShow filter graph. It is up to the driver manufacturer to implement a property pages on their drivers. The list of supported property pages will vary from driver to driver.
Source Represents a physical connector or source on an audio/video device.
SourceCollection A collection of sources (or physical connectors) on an audio or video device. This is used by the Capture class to provide a list of available sources on the currently selected audio and video devices. This class cannot be created directly. This class assumes there is only 1 video and 1 audio crossbar and all input pins route to a single output pin on each crossbar.
Tuner Control and query a hardware TV Tuner.
VfwCompressorPropertyPage The property page to configure a Video for Windows compliant compression codec. Most compressors support this property page rather than a DirectShow property page. Also, most compressors do not support the IAMVideoCompression interface so this property page is the only method to configure a compressor.
VideoCapabilities Capabilities of the video device such as min/max frame size and frame rate.


Enumeration Description
TunerInputType Specify the frequency of the TV tuner.

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