The integer promotion.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define PRINT_COMPARE_RESULT(a, b) \
if (a > b) { \
printf( #a " > " #b "\n"); \
} \
else if (a < b) { \
printf( #a " < " #b "\n"); \
} \
else { \
printf( #a " = " #b "\n" ); \
} int main()
int a = -;
unsigned short b = ;
unsigned int c = ; PRINT_COMPARE_RESULT(a,b);
The result is a > c and a < b.
Operands a that has signed integer type has rank less than the rank of the type of the operand c,so the a with signed integer type is converted the type of the c with unsigned integer type.The signed integer -1 is coverted to unsigned integer is 0xffffffff that is greater than the value 3 of unsigned integer c.However, the rank of a is greater than the rank of b that has unsigned short integer type,so the unsigned short integer type is converted to signed int type.So a < b.
The integer promotion.的更多相关文章
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