Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3和2019 16.11发布
Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 主要特点
Visual Studio 2019 16.11
- MSVC C++ SxS Toolset updated to match VS 2019 v16.10.4. MSVC Toolset Version for this update is 14.29.30040.0/19.29.30040.0.
Update Azure Branding - Fix an issue where a failure during CMake test discovery could cause cache generation to fail.
- Fixed an issue causing TPv0 tests using CSV or SQLCE as data sources to fail to execute with an ArgumentException.
- Fixed the "ApplicationVerificationFailed" build error with Hot Restart
- Fixed a failure to conduct fast up-to-date check on WAP projects which was causing those projects to be built (instead of being skipped), even when project is up-to-date and does not need modifications, further causing increased incremental build times in IDE.
- Fixed the "Xamarin.iOS does not support running or debugging the previous built version of your project" error.
- Fixed the "Unable to connect to Mac Server with Address" error when trying to distribute iOS applications
"Modules for Standard Library (experimental)" was missing, but has been restored. - Fixed an EDG assertion failure on nested co_yield.
- Fixed an issue causing Microsoft Azure Tools for Visual Studio to trigger other .dlls to load in the About Box.
- Fixed an accessibility issue causing High Contrast Account Settings to not show.
- Fixed a formatting issue when using @{if(true)}.
- Fixed an accessibility issue with screen readers failing to announce collapsed code headers.
- Fixed the Luminosity contrast ratio for Country boundary Foreground/background color to be greater or equals to 3:1 so that visually impaired users can identify these controls.
- Fixed an accessibility issue where Visible name and accessible name are not similar for "Server" edit field, "Site name" edit field and "Target Runtime" combo box.
- Fixed a bug causing the screen reader to announce the Connecting status message information under Add SQL Server blade.
Filter was missing from the completion list in VB projects. - Fixed an issue causing Visual Studio to occasionally stop responding when loading Microsoft.Maui-net6.sln.
- Fixed an error when building IOS project or XF project that showed the warning "Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets".
- Fixed branch picker menu grouping.
- Fixed an issue causing the repository below the selected repository to open instead of the desired repository.
- Fixed a bug causing warnings for template functions to follow an incorrect ruleset.
- Fixed a bug causing the Microsoft account dropdown to get truncated when resizing from 125% to 150% or 175% to 200%.
- Fixed an accessibility bug where the narrator does not announce the label name.
- Made it easier for users to access the "convert color to resource" button.
- Made it easier for low vision users to view the focus on the "Select previous gradient stop" and "Select Next gradient stop" buttons.
- Corrected issues with screen reader users not getting the proper information about buttons.
- GitHub specific error messages were not always showing when pushing commits.
- Fixed an issue causing warnings when trying to connect to SharePoint to provision workflow debugging prerequisites.
- Fixed an issue causing network operations to not work with the Fork and the remote Fork branches in the Git repo window.
- Fixed a Database Project issue where dragging a file from solution explorer into an opened one is deleting the file from the file system
- Fixed an issue causing an exception in .cshtml and .razor files.
- Fixed a slow display of files and icons in the Visual Studio IDE and Solution Explorer.
- Fixed an error with Git messaging that reported 'It is not allowed to run multiple bulk file operations at a time.'
- Improved ease of accessibility when accessing the controls for any path of the selected Profile.
- Corrected an 'Error List' warning when publishing a Cloud Service project with a 'Single Page Application' template.
- Fixes an issue where attempting to close the quick start window can cause Visual Studio to crash
- Fixed an inability to publish database projects with null values and an 'str' parameter name.
- Added support for SSDT MERGE statements.
- Fixed an issue with F# Interactive where NuGet package references were no longer working.
- Added ability to use Previous layout folders searching packages during layout operations.
- Added additional accessibility improvements for keyboard only users in debugging and menu selection.
- Fixed a localization error with Test Explorer.
- Fixed an error causing builds to fail in C# VSIX projects.
- Fixed an error where publishing failed in an ASP.NET Core App running on Docker (Windows/Linux) to Docker Container with error:"Current context "desktop-linux" is not found on the file system".
- Converted to using the new DartLab instance which gives us the latest fixes and simplifies the YAML.
- Fixed an issue when clicking "Go To Declaration" that resulted in the cursor jumping to an incorrect position.
- Fixed EnC regression.
- Fixed an error causing Visual Studio to stop responding when creating a Service Fabric application.
- Fixed an error where the Container Orchestrator Support context item disappears after adding docker support for an Azure Function project with .NET 5(Isolated) type selected.
- Fixed a situation where F5/Ctrl+F5 produced an error message, "Docker command failed with exit code1."
- Added Service Fabric and Add Orchestra Support dialog.
- Fixed a failure to restore NuGet deleted packages.
- Fixed an error causing mstest projects to remove LUT windows after renaming.
- Fixed formating when providing no container name in a code search.
- Fixed missing warning messages in CppCoreCheck.
- Fixed a bug when adding a class in ASP.NET causing a yellow bar with the error message: 'CSharpSyncNamespaceCodeRefactoringProvider'.
- Improved performance around using PointerSafetyXtension in CppCoreCheck.
- Improved localization around VC++ features.
- Fixed a build error when the solutionPath variable evaluates to undefined.
- Fixed a rare scenario that could keep Visual Studio instances from closing if the Test Explorer is open in the solution.
- Fixed a visibility issue with high contrast black in virtual machines shifting focus.
- Fixed an issue where an error "No such image" occurs when removing multi-selected images that have been tagged.
- Improved teh XAML typing experience on the LiveShare client.
- Fixed an issue when using the Navigate To with a speech recognition command causing the user to wait for the ToolTip to clear before seeing the result.
- Fixed an issue causing previously opened documents to not restore when a solution is reopened.
- Fixed a UWP crash when using the new Sample Data feature.
- Fixed a bug where there were no project properties provider for "Persistence = AssemblyReference".
- Decreased processor consumption of setup.exe.
- Fixed an issue preventing HRESULT resources from being customized for XBOX.
- Fixed an unhandled exception after clicking "Debug Tests".
- Fixed a build error message "NETSDK1 031" when using a Windows Application Packaging Project.
- Fixed a crash after ending some LiveShare Sessions.
- Fixed a bug causing a failure of the "X" button on a page of the First Launch Wizard.
- Fixed an "Operation not supported" error message in LiveShare.
- Fixes a bug in Cloud Service (extended support) publish with different settings value in different service configurations.
- Fixed an issue with C++20 Modules IntelliSense where some language constructs would cause the compiler to crash.
- Fixed an issue that will cause a small amount of additional memory to leak.
- Fixed an API breaking change on AudioUnitPropertyIDType.
- Developers using UWP unit test framework who wish to run their tests on remote devices or emulators were unable to run the tests on remote devices.
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