因为在做后台管理项目的时候用到了大量的表格, 且功能大多相同,因此封装了一些常用的功能, 方便多次复用。


<el-table :data="tableData" size="medium"
ref="multipleTable" border fit
<!-- 多选框 -->
<el-table-column v-for="(th, key) in tableHeader"
:min-width="th.minWidth" align="center">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<!-- 操作按钮 -->
<div v-if="th.operation">
<el-button v-for="(o, key) in th.operation" :key="key"
type="text" size="mini">
<!-- 点击跳转页面 -->
<div v-else-if="th.router">
<router-link :to="{path: th.router.path, query: {expertFields: scope.row['fieldName']}}">{{scope.row[th.prop]}}</router-link>
<div v-else>
<!-- 鼠标滑过显示气泡框 -->
<el-popover v-if="th.describe"
<span class="describe-wrap" slot="reference" style="-webkit-box-orient:vertical">{{ scope.row[th.prop] }}</span>
<!-- 下拉选择框 -->
<el-select v-else-if="th.selected" :disabled="!th.disabled" v-model="scope.row[th.prop]" @change="th.changeFunc" clearable>
<el-option v-for="(item, index) in th.selected" :value="item.value" :label="item.text" :key="index"></el-option>
<!-- 纯展示数据 -->
<span v-else-if="!th.formatData">{{ scope.row[th.prop] }}</span>
<!-- 需要格式化的数据结构 -->
<span v-else>{{ scope.row[th.prop] | formatters(th.formatData) }}</span>
</template> <script>
export default {
name: 'comp-table',
props: {
tableData: {
type: Array,
default: function () {
return []
tableHeader: {
type: Array,
default: function () {
return []
multipleSelection: {
type: Array,
default: function () {
return []
  filters: {  
formatters (val, format) {
if (typeof (format) === 'function') {
return format(val)
} else return val
methods: {
handleSelectionChange (val) {
this.$emit('update:multipleSelection', val)
handleSort (sort) {
this.$emit('sort-events', sort)
filterHandler (filters) {
this.$emit('filter-events', filters)


<comp-table :tableData="tableData"
</comp-table> <script>
export default {
data () {
return {
tableData: [], // 请求到的表格数据
tableHeader: [ // 表头信息
   { prop: 'fieldName',
  label: '领域',
  filters: domainTypeData,
  columnKey: 'fieldType',
  filterMultiple: false,
  minWidth: '150px',
   fixed: true
  { prop: 'fieidDetails', label: '详情', minWidth: '180px' },
  { prop: 'lawyerQuantity',
  label: '关联律师数量',
   minWidth: '150px',
   router: {path: '/'}
  { prop: 'articlesNumber',
   label: '相关文章数量',
  router: {path: '/case-management'},
  minWidth: '150px'
  { prop: 'operation',
  label: '相关服务',
  minWidth: '260px',
  style: {display: 'block'},
   operation: [
  {name: '服务方案一', clickFun: this.getServiceOne},
  {name: '服务方案二', clickFun: this.getServiceTwo},
  {name: '服务方案三', clickFun: this.getServiceThird}
  { prop: 'gmtModified', custom: 'custom', label: '最后更新时间', minWidth: '180px', formatData: this.formatDate },
  { prop: 'updater', label: '最后更新人', minWidth: '120px' },
  { prop: 'operation',
  label: '操作',
  minWidth: '260px',
   operation: this.fieldStatus ? [
  {name: '上线', disabled: true, clickFun: this.onLineField},
  {name: '下线', underline: true, clickFun: this.underField}
   ] : [
   {name: '编辑', clickFun: this.editDomain},
  {name: '删除', clickFun: this.delField},
  {name: '待审核', clickFun: this.examineField}

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