一、To install Adobe Reader 9.1 using a tarball installer

1. Open a terminal window.

2. Change directory (using the cd command) to the directory that contains the tarball archive.

3.Run following command

# bunzip2 AdbeRdr9.1.0-_i486linux_enu.tar.bz2

# tar -xvf AdbeRdr9.1.0-_i486linux_enu.tar

4.In the newly created AdobeReader directory, run the INSTALL script. By default, on Linux, Adobe Reader is installed in /opt/Adobe. You can however, specify a different location by using the following command-line option: --install_path= <reader_install_dir>

5.Add <reader_install_dir>/bin to the PATH environment variable to allow browsers to launch Adobe Reader, where <reader_install_dir> is the installation directory of Adobe Reader 9.1.

  To uninstall Adobe Reader 9.1 using the command line

# rpm -e AdobeReader_enu 


# <reader_install_dir>/bin/UNINSTALL

二、To install Adobe Reader 9.1 using a .bin installer

1. Open a terminal window.

2. Change directory (using the cd command) to the directory that contains the bin file.

3. Make sure that .bin installer has the execute permissions. If not then run

# chmod u+x AdbeRdr9.1.0-_i486linux_enu.bin 

4. Run the following command:

# ./AdbeRdr9.1.0-_i486linux_enu.bin 

By default Adobe Reader is installed in /opt/Adobe. You can however, specify a different location by using the following command-line option: --install_path= <dir path where you want to install>

5. Add <reader_install_dir>/bin to the PATH environment variable to allow browsers to launch Adobe Reader, where <reader_install_dir> is the installation directory of Adobe Reader 9.1.

三、To install Adobe Reader 9.1 using the command line: RPM package

1. Open a terminal window.

2. Change directory (using the cd command) to the directory that contains the RPM package.

3. Run the following command as an administrator or root:

# rpm -i AdbeRdr9.1.0-_i486linux_enu.rpm 


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