//**************************************BEST-FS ALRORITHM IN ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE**************************************

// Created by Clivia_zhou . 2014.7.29
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; //define functions
//Some function has'n finshied
typedef struct pqueue_t{}pqueue_t;
typedef struct queue_t{}queue_t;
typedef struct node_t
int g;
int h;
unsigned short board;
}node_t; void generateChildNodes(pqueue_t*,queue_t*,node_t*); void dePQueue(pqueue_t*,int*,int); bool isEmptyPQueue(pqueue_t*); void emitBoard(node_t*); bool checkPiece(unsigned short,int); bool searchQueue(queue_t*,unsigned short); void createNode(pqueue_t*,queue_t*,unsigned short,int); // The best_fs is the main function of best-first-search
void best_fs(pqueue_t *open_pq_p,queue_t* closed_q_p)
node_t *node_p;
int cost; while(!isEmptyPQueue(open_pq_p))
{ dePQueue(open_pq_p,(int*)&node_p,cost); if(node_p->g == )
printf("Found Solution(depth:%d):\n",node_p->h);
} generateChildNodes(open_pq_p,closed_q_p,node_p);
return ;
} //The generateChildNodes is the solution of every step
void generateChildNodes(pqueue_t *pq_p,queue_t *closed_q_p,node_t* node_p)
int i; unsigned short cboard1,cboard2; const int moves[] = {-,,,,-,,,,-,,,,-,,,}; for(i = ;i<;i++)
cboard1 = cboard2 = (node_p->board & ~(<<( - i))); if(moves[i] == -)
cboard1 |= (<<(-(i + ))); if(!searchQueue(closed_q_p,cboard1))
} else if(moves[i] == )
cboard1 |= (<<(-(i + ))); if(!searchQueue(closed_q_p,cboard1))
} cboard2 |= (<<(-(i - ))); if(!searchQueue(closed_q_p,cboard2))
} } else if(moves[i] == )
cboard2 |= (<<( - (i-))); if(searchQueue(closed_q_p,cboard2))
return ;

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