10.1. Operating System Interface


import os

os.getcwd() # Return the current working directory 'C:\Python26'

os.chdir('/server/accesslogs') # Change current working directory

os.system('mkdir today') # Run the command mkdir in the system shell


需要注意的是,使用 import os 而不是 from os import * (os.open()将会覆盖掉内建的open())



import shutil

shutil.copyfile('data.db', 'archive.db')

shutil.move('/build/executables', 'installdir')

10.2. File Wildcards 通配符


import glob


['primes.py', 'random.py', 'quote.py']

10.3. Command Line Arguments 命令行参数

有时候,直接在命令行下运行一些脚本文件,同事传递给文件一些参数,那么通过 sys 模块中的 argv 我们就可以获取到一个命令行参数的列表,给出一个栗子:

import sys

print sys.argv

['demo.py', 'one', 'two', 'three']

The getopt module processes sys.argv using the conventions of the Unix getopt() function. More powerful and flexible command line processing is provided by the argparse module.

10.4. Error Output Redirection and Program Termination

The sys module also has attributes for stdin, stdout, and stderr. The latter is useful for emitting warnings and error messages to make them visible even when stdout has been redirected:

sys.stderr.write('Warning, log file not found starting a new one\n')

Warning, log file not found starting a new one

The most direct way to terminate a script is to use sys.exit().

10.5. String Pattern Matching 正则匹配

re 模块提供正则匹配工具用以对字符串进行更高大上的操作.对于复杂的匹配和处理,正 则表达式提供了简洁、优化的解决方案:

import re

re.findall(r'\bf[a-z]*', 'which foot or hand fell fastest')

['foot', 'fell', 'fastest']

re.sub(r'(\b[a-z]+) \1', r'\1', 'cat in the the hat')

'cat in the hat'


'tea for too'.replace('too', 'two')

'tea for two'

10.6. Mathematics 算术表达


import math

math.cos(math.pi / 4.0)


math.log(1024, 2)



import random

random.choice(['apple', 'pear', 'banana'])


random.sample(xrange(100), 10) # sampling without replacement

[30, 83, 16, 4, 8, 81, 41, 50, 18, 33]

random.random() # random float


random.randrange(6) # random integer chosen from range(6)


10.7. Internet Access

urllib2 和 smtplib 是两个常用的用于web方面的库,前一个用于从网上获取信息,后一个用于发送电子邮件:

import urllib2

for line in urllib2.urlopen('http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl'):

... if 'EST' in line or 'EDT' in line: # look for Eastern Time

... print line

Nov. 25, 09:43:32 PM EST

import smtplib

server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')

server.sendmail('soothsayer@example.org', 'jcaesar@example.org',

... """To: jcaesar@example.org

... From: soothsayer@example.org


... Beware the Ides of March.

... """)


(Note that the second example needs a mailserver running on localhost.)

10.8. Dates and Times 日期与时间



dates are easily constructed and formatted

from datetime import date

now = date.today()


datetime.date(2003, 12, 2)

now.strftime("%m-%d-%y. %d %b %Y is a %A on the %d day of %B.")

'12-02-03. 02 Dec 2003 is a Tuesday on the 02 day of December.'

dates support calendar arithmetic

birthday = date(1964, 7, 31)

age = now - birthday



10.9. Data Compression 数据压缩

常用是数据压缩相关的模块: zlib, gzip, bz2, zipfile and tarfile.

import zlib

s = 'witch which has which witches wrist watch'



t = zlib.compress(s)




'witch which has which witches wrist watch'



10.10. Performance Measurement



For example, it may be tempting to use the tuple packing and unpacking feature instead of the traditional approach to swapping arguments. The timeit module quickly demonstrates a modest performance advantage:

from timeit import Timer

Timer('t=a; a=b; b=t', 'a=1; b=2').timeit()


Timer('a,b = b,a', 'a=1; b=2').timeit()


In contrast to timeit‘s fine level of granularity, the profile and pstats modules provide tools for identifying time critical sections in larger blocks of code.

10.11. Quality Control

One approach for developing high quality software is to write tests for each function as it is developed and to run those tests frequently during the development process.

The doctest module provides a tool for scanning a module and validating tests embedded in a program’s docstrings. Test construction is as simple as cutting-and-pasting a typical call along with its results into the docstring. This improves the documentation by providing the user with an example and it allows the doctest module to make sure the code remains true to the documentation:

def average(values):

"""Computes the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers.

>>> print average([20, 30, 70])
return sum(values, 0.0) / len(values)

import doctest

doctest.testmod() # automatically validate the embedded tests

The unittest module is not as effortless as the doctest module, but it allows a more comprehensive set of tests to be maintained in a separate file:

import unittest

class TestStatisticalFunctions(unittest.TestCase):

def test_average(self):
self.assertEqual(average([20, 30, 70]), 40.0)
self.assertEqual(round(average([1, 5, 7]), 1), 4.3)
with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
average(20, 30, 70)

unittest.main() # Calling from the command line invokes all tests

10.12. Batteries Included

Python has a “batteries included” philosophy. This is best seen through the sophisticated and robust capabilities of its larger packages. For example:

The xmlrpclib and SimpleXMLRPCServer modules make implementing remote procedure calls into an almost trivial task. Despite the modules names, no direct knowledge or handling of XML is needed.

The email package is a library for managing email messages, including MIME and other RFC 2822-based message documents. Unlike smtplib and poplib which actually send and receive messages, the email package has a complete toolset for building or decoding complex message structures (including attachments) and for implementing internet encoding and header protocols.

The xml.dom and xml.sax packages provide robust support for parsing this popular data interchange format. Likewise, the csv module supports direct reads and writes in a common database format. Together, these modules and packages greatly simplify data interchange between Python applications and other tools.

Internationalization is supported by a number of modules including gettext, locale, and the codecs package.

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