MongoDB基础知识 02

6 数据类型

6.1 null : 表示空值或者不存在的字段


6.2 布尔型 : 布尔类型只有两个值true和false

{"x" : true}

6.3 数值  :默认使用64位浮点型数值


{"x":3} {"x",:NumberInt("3")}

6.4 字符串:UTF-8字符串都可表示为字符串类型的数据。

6.5 日期:被存储为自新纪元以来经过的毫秒数,不存储时区。Date()返回的是字符串(日期的字符串表示), new Date()返回的是日期的对象。

6.6 正则表达式:查询时,使用正则表达式作为 限定条件,语法也和javascript的正则表达式语法相同。

6.7 数组 : 数据列表或者数据集可表示为数组。

6.8 内嵌文档:文档可以嵌套其他文档。

6.9 对象id :对象id是一个12字节的ID,是文档的唯一标识。

6.10 二进制数据 :任意字节的字符串。

6.11 代码 : 查询和文档中可以包括任意JavaScript代码。

7 使用MongoDB shell

7.1 对于MongoDBt特有的功能,可以使用help命令查看:

> help help on db methods help on collection methods sharding helpers replica set helpers
help admin administrative help
help connect connecting to a db help
help keys key shortcuts
help misc misc things to know
help mr mapreduce show dbs show database names
show collections show collections in current database
show users show users in current database
show profile show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms
show logs show the accessible logger names
show log [name] prints out the last segment of log in memory, 'global' is default
use <db_name> set current database list objects in collection foo { a : 1 } ) list objects in foo where a == 1
it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate
DBQuery.shellBatchSize = x set default number of items to display on shell
exit quit the mongo shell


> db
> show collections
function ( query , obj , upsert , multi ){
assert( query , "need a query" );
assert( obj , "need an object" ); var wc = undefined;
// can pass options via object for improved readability
if ( typeof(upsert) === 'object' ) {
assert( multi === undefined,
"Fourth argument must be empty when specifying upsert and multi with an object." ); var opts = upsert;
multi = opts.multi;
wc = opts.writeConcern;
upsert = opts.upsert;
} var result = undefined;
var startTime = (typeof(_verboseShell) === 'undefined' ||
!_verboseShell) ? 0 : new Date().getTime(); if (!wc)
wc = this.getWriteConcern(); if ( this.getMongo().writeMode() != "legacy" ) {
var bulk = this.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
var updateOp = bulk.find(query); if (upsert) {
updateOp = updateOp.upsert();
} if (multi) {
else {
} try {
result = bulk.execute(wc).toSingleResult();
catch( ex ) {
if ( ex instanceof BulkWriteError || ex instanceof WriteCommandError ) {
result = ex.toSingleResult();
else {
// Other exceptions thrown
throw ex;
else {
this.getMongo().update(this._fullName, query, obj,
upsert ? true : false, multi ? true : false ); // enforce write concern, if required
if (wc)
result = this.runCommand("getLastError", wc instanceof WriteConcern ? wc.toJSON() : wc);
} this._printExtraInfo("Updated", startTime);
return result;

7.2 使用shell执行脚本 


例如:mongo script1.js script2.js script3.js



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