一 栈:是一种表,限制插入和删除只能在一个位置,也即是表的末端(也是栈的顶)进行。
基本操作:push 和 pop。
二 栈的数组实现:
push操作:将某个元素 item 推入栈中,使得 topOfStack 增1然后置 theArray[topOfStack] = item.
pop操作: 将栈顶严肃弹出,我们置返回值为 theArray[topOfStack],然后 topOfStack 减1.
三 时间复杂度:
package com.xuyunyu.demo;
* generic type class MyStack to implement the stack with array
* @author Administrator
* @param <AnyType>
public class MyStack<AnyType>
* the capacity of the stack
private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;
* the array to store the elements
private AnyType[] theItems;
* the pointer to point to the top of the stack
private int TopOfStack;
* constructor
* to initial the stack
public MyStack ()
* clear the stack
public void clear()
theItems = ( AnyType [] ) new Object[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
TopOfStack = -1;
* get the capacity of the stack
* @return
public int size()
* get the actual counts of
* the element stored in the stack
* @return
public int getCountOfElement()
return TopOfStack + 1;
* get the top element of the stack
* @return
public AnyType getTopElement()
return theItems[TopOfStack];
* judge if the stack is empty
* @return true if the stack is empty,false or not
public boolean isEmpty()
return TopOfStack == -1;
* judge if the stack is full
* @return true if the stack is full,false or not
public boolean isFull()
return (TopOfStack + 1) == theItems.length;
* push an item to the stack
* the TopOfStack INC ,and then store the item
* @param item
public void push(AnyType item)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
theItems[TopOfStack] = item;
* return the item on the top and then make one decrement of the TopOfStack
* @return
public AnyType pop()
if(isEmpty() )
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); AnyType ItemPulled = theItems[TopOfStack];
theItems[TopOfStack] = null;
return ItemPulled;
} }
四 测试代码:
package com.xuyunyu.demo; public class test_MyStack
public static void main(String[] args)
MyStack<Integer> stack = new MyStack<Integer>();
System.out.println("counts of the stack: " + stack.getCountOfElement());
System.out.println("size of the stack: " + stack.size());
//System.out.println("top element of the stack: " + stack.getTopElement()); stack.push(17);
System.out.println("counts of the stack: " + stack.getCountOfElement());
System.out.println("top element of the stack: " + stack.getTopElement()); stack.push(30);
System.out.println("counts of the stack: " + stack.getCountOfElement());
System.out.println("top element of the stack: " + stack.getTopElement()); stack.clear();
System.out.println("counts of the stack: " + stack.getCountOfElement()); System.out.println("push to the stack:" );
for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++)
System.out.print(" " + i);
System.out.println(); System.out.println("pop from the stack:" );
for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++)
System.out.print(" " + stack.pop());
} } }
counts of the stack: 0
size of the stack: 10
counts of the stack: 1
top element of the stack: 17
counts of the stack: 2
top element of the stack: 30
counts of the stack: 0
push to the stack
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
pop from the stack
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
栈可以应用到平衡符号,中缀到后缀的转换以及方法调用上。详情可参考Mark Allen Weisss的《数据结构与算法分析——java语言描述》。 本文部分内容页参考此书。
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