Automotive Security的一些资料和心得(3):Vehicular Security技术
1. Overview
1.1. Secure Hardware Extension (SHE)
基本结构:ECU里面有一块单独的Secure Zone。Secure Zone里面是SHE模块。SHE包含Control Logic, AES,PRNG, Memory。SHE模块和CPU通讯。
- Symmetric cryptography, AES-128 with ECB, CBC。
- Secure key store
- Secure boot loader
- Anthetication
- Against replay attacks
- 不能保护application software
- 没有public-key cryptography
- 不能保护 replay attacks
- 同时只能一个instance访问SHE
1.2. Hardware Security Module (HSM)
- Symmetric cryptography
- Secure key store
- Secure boot loader
- Secure memory
- Implemented within the application CPU's ASIC
- Support software modules
- 需要和普通应用CPU一起集成在ASIC里面
EVITA full > EVITA medium > SHE > EVITA light
2. Vehicular Security Architectures
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