C++ I/O stream
C++ I/O stream
Ø The first, you should understand following:
Ø Text:
Ø Version:
Visual studio 2015
Ø What is the C++ I/O stream?
Ø What is its function?
l 与用户交互,如从键盘获得数据,并把数据显示到显示器上.
l 控制格式,如显示右对齐,从键盘获得整型值.
l 格式化内存.
Ø Why does exist stream?
l 为了实现信息的内外流动.
- 如果数据要显示到屏幕上或打印输出,则要用我们可以看懂的字符序列形式.
- 如果数据要经过通信通道传递到不同系统环境的其它介质,则要用便携数据交换格式表示.它不可读,但接收方却是可以理解的.
- 如果数据要存储在在储存设备上,节省空间很重要,那么可以用压缩数据表示,这种也是不可读的.
// 1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "1.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// The one and only application object
CWinApp theApp;
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
int nRetCode = 0;
// initialize MFC and print and error on failure
if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0))
// TODO: change error code to suit your needs
cerr << _T("Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed") << endl;
nRetCode = 1;
// TODO: code your application's behavior here.
CString strHello;
cout << (LPCTSTR)strHello << endl;
//To add the code.
char szChar[] = "1234.5678";
double dNumber = 1234.5678;
int* i = NULL;
i = (int*)szChar;
cout << i << endl;
//可以得到szChar[]的地址为0018FF18,这10个字节的内容为:0018FF18 31 32 33 34 2E 35 36 37 38 00可以看出来在内存中字符的格式了.
i = (int*)&dNumber;
cout << i << endl;
//可以得到dNumber的地址为0018FF10,这8个字节的内容为:0018FF10 AD FA 5C 6D 45 4A 93 40可以看出来在内存中double的格式了.
cout << szChar << endl;
cout << cout.precision(8)
<< dNumber << endl;
Hello from MFC!
Press any key to continue
return nRetCode;
Ø We can assort the I/O stream: typical I/O stream and standard I/O stream.
l typical I/O stream: 外部数据与内部数据间的转换与传递.
l standard I/O stream: 主要是为文本流的输入输出而设计.
Ø typical I/O stream
Ø standard I/O stream
l 文本
l 二进制
打开文件 / 操作文件 / 关闭文件
Ø 打开文件:
为了支持文件的I/O操作, C++流类库提供了3个文件流类:
name |
description |
function |
be included |
ifstream |
输入文件流类 |
用于文件的输入 |
fstream |
ofstream |
输出文件流类 |
用于文件的输出 |
fstream |
输入/输出文件流类 |
用于文件的输入/输出 |
name |
description |
app(append) |
to seek to the end of a stream before each insertion. |
ate(at end) |
to seek to the end of a stream when its controlling object is first created. (out)不管文件是否存在,都相当于新建文件了.(in)文件尾追加. |
binary |
to read a file as a binary stream, rather than as a text stream. |
in |
to permit extraction from a stream. |
out |
to permit insertion to a stream. |
trunc |
to delete contents of an existing file when its controlling object is created. 不管文件是否存在,都相当于新建文件了. |
在使用这些模式时,首先必须确定是ios::in or ios::out or ios::in | ios::out.其它模式只能和它们组合使用,而不能单独使用.
fstream fs("D:\\4.txt",ios::in | ios::app);
fstream fs("D:\\4.txt",ios::out | ios::app);
fstream fs("D:\\4.txt",ios::in | ios::ate);
fstream fs("D:\\5.txt",ios::out | ios::ate);
fstream fs("D:\\5.txt",ios::in | ios::trunc);
fstream fs("D:\\6.txt",ios::out | ios::trunc);
creation |
appending at end |
trunction |
ios::in | ios::app |
false |
--- |
--- |
ios:out | ios::app |
true |
true |
--- |
ios::in | ios::ate |
false |
true |
--- |
ios:out | ios::ate |
ture |
--- |
true |
ios::in | ios::trunc |
false |
--- |
--- |
ios:out | ios::trunc |
true |
--- |
true |
为了支持打开文件, C++流类库为3个类分别定义了open(),其语法如下:
void fstream::open( const char* szName, int nMode, int nProt = filebuf::openprot );
void ifstream::open( const char* szName, int nMode = ios::in, int nProt = filebuf::openprot );
void ofstream::open( const char* szName, int nMode = ios::out, int nProt = filebuf::openprot );
- fstream fs;
fs.open(“D:\\1.text”, ios::in | ios::out);
- fstream fs(“D:\\1.text”, ios::in | ios::out);
Ø 操作文件
Ø 流状态检查与is_open():
badbit/failbit 3个ios_base元素组成,其中每个元素占1位,可以是1 or 0,与它相关的成员函数如下:
member |
description |
badbit |
Records a loss of integrity of the stream buffer. |
eofbit |
Records end-of-file while extracting from a stream. |
failbit |
Records a failure to extract a valid field from a stream. |
goodbit |
All state bits clear. |
member function |
description |
bad() |
Indicates a loss of integrity of the stream buffer. |
eof() |
Indicates if the end of a stream has been reached. |
fail() |
Indicates failure to extract a valid field from a stream. |
good() |
Indicates the stream is in good condition. |
rdstate() |
Reads the state of bits for flags. |
clear |
Clears all error flags. (iostate s=goodbit) |
setstate(iostate s) |
Sets additional flags. |
- if (!fs.bad())
- if (fs.good())
- if (fs)
bool is_open( ) const;
Ø 读取文件
Ø 关闭文件
fstream fs(“D:\\1.text”, ios::in | ios::out);
Ø Attributes:
Ø Name
Ø Version:
Ø Introduce:
Ø Syntax:
Ø Members:
Ø Remarks:
Ø Requirements:
Ø Methods:
Ø Name
Ø Version:
Ø Introduce:
Ø Syntax:
Ø Parameters:
Ø Return value:
Ø Remarks:
Ø Requirements:
Ø English corner:
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