from time import *
from xlwt.Workbook import *
from xlwt.Style import *
style = XFStyle()
wb = Workbook()
ws0 = wb.add_sheet('')
colcount = 200 + 1
rowcount = 6000 + 1
t0 = time()
print("\nstart: %s" % ctime(t0))
for col in xrange(colcount):
print("[%d]" % col, end=' ')
for row in xrange(rowcount):
ws0.write(row, col, "BIG")
t1 = time() - t0
print("\nsince starting elapsed %.2f s" % (t1))
t2 = time() - t0
print("since starting elapsed %.2f s" % (t2)) from xlwt import *
font0 = Font() = 'Times New Roman'
font0.struck_out = True
font0.bold = True
style0 = XFStyle()
style0.font = font0 wb = Workbook()
ws0 = wb.add_sheet('')
ws0.write(1, 1, 'Test', style0)
for i in range(0, 0x53):
borders = Borders()
borders.left = i
borders.right = i = i
borders.bottom = i
style = XFStyle()
style.borders = borders
ws0.write(i, 2, '', style)
ws0.write(i, 3, hex(i), style0)
ws0.write_merge(5, 8, 6, 10, "")'blanks.xls')
from xlwt import * w = Workbook()
ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude')
for i in range(6, 80):
fnt = Font()
fnt.height = i*20
style = XFStyle()
style.font = fnt
ws.write(1, i, 'Test')
ws.col(i).width = 0x0d00 + i'col_width.xls')
from xlwt import *
from datetime import datetime w = Workbook()
ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude') fmts = [
'h:mm AM/PM',
'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
'M/D/YY h:mm',
] i = 0
for fmt in fmts:
ws.write(i, 0, fmt)
style = XFStyle()
style.num_format_str = fmt
ws.write(i, 4,, style)
i += 1'dates.xls')
from xlwt import * font0 = Font() = 'Times New Roman'
font0.struck_out = True
font0.bold = True style0 = XFStyle()
style0.font = font0 wb = Workbook()
ws0 = wb.add_sheet('') ws0.write(1, 1, 'Test', style0) for i in range(0, 0x53):
fnt = Font() = 'Arial'
fnt.colour_index = i
fnt.outline = True borders = Borders()
borders.left = i style = XFStyle()
style.font = fnt
style.borders = borders ws0.write(i, 2, 'colour', style)
ws0.write(i, 3, hex(i), style0)'format.xls')
from xlwt import * w = Workbook()
ws = w.add_sheet('F') ws.write(0, 0, Formula("-(1+1)"))
ws.write(1, 0, Formula("-(1+1)/(-2-2)"))
ws.write(2, 0, Formula("-(134.8780789+1)"))
ws.write(3, 0, Formula("-(134.8780789e-10+1)"))
ws.write(4, 0, Formula("-1/(1+1)+9344")) ws.write(0, 1, Formula("-(1+1)"))
ws.write(1, 1, Formula("-(1+1)/(-2-2)"))
ws.write(2, 1, Formula("-(134.8780789+1)"))
ws.write(3, 1, Formula("-(134.8780789e-10+1)"))
ws.write(4, 1, Formula("-1/(1+1)+9344")) ws.write(0, 2, Formula("A1*B1"))
ws.write(1, 2, Formula("A2*B2"))
ws.write(2, 2, Formula("A3*B3"))
ws.write(3, 2, Formula("A4*B4*sin(pi()/4)"))
ws.write(4, 2, Formula("A5%*B5*pi()/1000"))
ws.write(5, 2, Formula("C1+C2+C3+C4+C5/(C1+C2+C3+C4/(C1+C2+C3+C4/(C1+C2+C3+C4)+C5)+C5)-20.3e-2"))
ws.write(5, 3, Formula("C1^2"))
ws.write(6, 2, Formula("SUM(C1;C2;;;;;C3;;;C4)"))
ws.write(6, 3, Formula("SUM($A$1:$C$5)")) ws.write(7, 0, Formula('"lkjljllkllkl"'))
ws.write(7, 1, Formula('"yuyiyiyiyi"'))
ws.write(7, 2, Formula('A8 & B8 & A8'))
ws.write(8, 2, Formula('now()')) ws.write(10, 2, Formula('TRUE'))
ws.write(11, 2, Formula('FALSE'))
ws.write(12, 3, Formula('IF(A1>A2;3;"hkjhjkhk")'))'formulas.xls')
from xlwt import * f = Font()
f.height = 20*72 = 'Verdana'
f.bold = True
f.underline = Font.UNDERLINE_DOUBLE
f.colour_index = 4 h_style = XFStyle()
h_style.font = f w = Workbook()
ws = w.add_sheet('F')
ws.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 10, Formula(n + '("";"f1000.pdf")'), h_style)
ws.write_merge(2, 2, 2, 25, Formula(n + '(",%20Roman!";"pyExcelerator-feedback")'), h_style)"hyperlinks.xls")
from xlwt import * fnt = Font() = 'Arial'
fnt.colour_index = 4
fnt.bold = True borders = Borders()
borders.left = 6
borders.right = 6 = 6
borders.bottom = 6
al = Alignment()
al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
style = XFStyle()
style.font = fnt
style.borders = borders
style.alignment = al
wb = Workbook()
ws0 = wb.add_sheet('sheet0')
ws1 = wb.add_sheet('sheet1')
ws2 = wb.add_sheet('sheet2')
for i in range(0, 0x200, 2):
ws0.write_merge(i, i+1, 1, 5, 'test %d' % i, style)
ws1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 7, 'test %d' % i, style)
ws2.write_merge(i, i+1, 1, 7 + (i%10), 'test %d' % i, style)'merged.xls')
import xlwt
book = xlwt.Workbook()
for magn in (0, 60, 100, 75, 150):
for preview in (False, True):
sheet = book.add_sheet('magn%d%s' % (magn, "np"[preview]))
if preview:
sheet.preview_magn = magn
sheet.normal_magn = magn
sheet.page_preview = preview
for rowx in range(100):
sheet.write(rowx, 0, "Some text")"zoom_magnification.xls")
import xlwt
import datetime
ezxf = xlwt.easyxf
def write_xls(file_name, sheet_name, headings, data, heading_xf, data_xfs):
book = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet = book.add_sheet(sheet_name)
rowx = 0
for colx, value in enumerate(headings):
sheet.write(rowx, colx, value, heading_xf)
sheet.set_panes_frozen(True) # frozen headings instead of split panes
sheet.set_horz_split_pos(rowx+1) # in general, freeze after last heading row
sheet.set_remove_splits(True) # if user does unfreeze, don't leave a split there
for row in data:
rowx += 1
for colx, value in enumerate(row):
sheet.write(rowx, colx, value, data_xfs[colx]) if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
mkd =
hdngs = ['Date', 'Stock Code', 'Quantity', 'Unit Price', 'Value', 'Message']
kinds = 'date text int price money text'.split()
data = [
[mkd(2007, 7, 1), 'ABC', 1000, 1.234567, 1234.57, ''],
[mkd(2007, 12, 31), 'XYZ', -100, 4.654321, -465.43, 'Goods returned'],
] + [
[mkd(2008, 6, 30), 'PQRCD', 100, 2.345678, 234.57, ''],
] * 100 heading_xf = ezxf('font: bold on; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center')
kind_to_xf_map = {
'date': ezxf(num_format_str='yyyy-mm-dd'),
'int': ezxf(num_format_str='#,##0'),
'money': ezxf('font: italic on; pattern: pattern solid, fore-colour grey25',
'price': ezxf(num_format_str='#0.000000'),
'text': ezxf(),
data_xfs = [kind_to_xf_map[k] for k in kinds]
write_xls('xlwt_easyxf_simple_demo.xls', 'Demo', hdngs, data, heading_xf, data_xfs)
from xlwt import *
w = Workbook()
ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude')
for i in range(6, 80):
fnt = Font()
fnt.height = i*20
style = XFStyle()
style.font = fnt
ws.write(i, 1, 'Test')
from xlwt import * fnt = Font() = 'Arial'
fnt.colour_index = 4
fnt.bold = True borders = Borders()
borders.left = 6
borders.right = 6 = 6
borders.bottom = 6 style = XFStyle()
style.font = fnt
style.borders = borders wb = Workbook() ws0 = wb.add_sheet('Rows Outline') ws0.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
ws0.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
ws0.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
ws0.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
ws0.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
ws0.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
ws0.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
ws0.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
ws0.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style) ws0.row(1).level = 1
ws0.row(2).level = 1
ws0.row(3).level = 2
ws0.row(4).level = 2
ws0.row(5).level = 2
ws0.row(6).level = 2
ws0.row(7).level = 2
ws0.row(8).level = 1
ws0.row(9).level = 1 ws1 = wb.add_sheet('Columns Outline') ws1.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
ws1.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
ws1.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
ws1.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
ws1.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
ws1.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
ws1.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
ws1.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
ws1.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style) ws1.col(1).level = 1
ws1.col(2).level = 1
ws1.col(3).level = 2
ws1.col(4).level = 2
ws1.col(5).level = 2
ws1.col(6).level = 2
ws1.col(7).level = 2
ws1.col(8).level = 1
ws1.col(9).level = 1 ws2 = wb.add_sheet('Rows and Columns Outline') ws2.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
ws2.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
ws2.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
ws2.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
ws2.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
ws2.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
ws2.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
ws2.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
ws2.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style) ws2.row(1).level = 1
ws2.row(2).level = 1
ws2.row(3).level = 2
ws2.row(4).level = 2
ws2.row(5).level = 2
ws2.row(6).level = 2
ws2.row(7).level = 2
ws2.row(8).level = 1
ws2.row(9).level = 1 ws2.col(1).level = 1
ws2.col(2).level = 1
ws2.col(3).level = 2
ws2.col(4).level = 2
ws2.col(5).level = 2
ws2.col(6).level = 2
ws2.col(7).level = 2
ws2.col(8).level = 1
ws2.col(9).level = 1 ws0.protect = True
ws0.wnd_protect = True
ws0.obj_protect = True
ws0.scen_protect = True
ws0.password = "" ws1.protect = True
ws1.wnd_protect = True
ws1.obj_protect = True
ws1.scen_protect = True
ws1.password = "abcdefghij" ws2.protect = True
ws2.wnd_protect = True
ws2.obj_protect = True
ws2.scen_protect = True
ws2.password = "ok" wb.protect = True
wb.wnd_protect = True
wb.obj_protect = True'protection.xls')
from xlwt import Workbook
from xlwt.BIFFRecords import PanesRecord
w = Workbook() # do each of the 4 scenarios with each of the 4 possible
# active pane settings for px,py in (
(0,0), # no split
(0,10), # horizontal split
(10,0), # vertical split
(10,10), # both split
): for active in range(4): # 0 - logical bottom-right pane
# 1 - logical top-right pane
# 2 - logical bottom-left pane
# 3 - logical top-left pane # only set valid values:
if active not in PanesRecord.valid_active_pane.get(
(int(px > 0),int(py > 0))
continue sheet = w.add_sheet('px-%i py-%i active-%i' %(
)) for rx in range(20):
for cx in range(20):
sheet.write(rx,cx,'R%iC%i'%(rx,cx)) sheet.panes_frozen = False
sheet.vert_split_pos = px * 8.43
sheet.horz_split_pos = py * 12.75
sheet.active_pane = active'panes3.xls')
import xlwt w = xlwt.Workbook()
sheets = [w.add_sheet('sheet ' + str(sheetx+1)) for sheetx in range(7)]
ws1, ws2, ws3, ws4, ws5, ws6, ws7 = sheets
for sheet in sheets:
for i in range(0x100):
sheet.write(i // 0x10, i % 0x10, i) H = 1
V = 2
HF = H + 2
VF = V + 2 ws1.panes_frozen = True
ws1.horz_split_pos = H
ws1.horz_split_first_visible = HF ws2.panes_frozen = True
ws2.vert_split_pos = V
ws2.vert_split_first_visible = VF ws3.panes_frozen = True
ws3.horz_split_pos = H
ws3.vert_split_pos = V
ws3.horz_split_first_visible = HF
ws3.vert_split_first_visible = VF H = 10
V = 12
HF = H + 2
VF = V + 2 ws4.panes_frozen = False
ws4.horz_split_pos = H * 12.75 # rows
ws4.horz_split_first_visible = HF ws5.panes_frozen = False
ws5.vert_split_pos = V * 8.43 # rows
ws5.vert_split_first_visible = VF ws6.panes_frozen = False
ws6.horz_split_pos = H * 12.75 # rows
ws6.horz_split_first_visible = HF
ws6.vert_split_pos = V * 8.43 # cols
ws6.vert_split_first_visible = VF ws7.split_position_units_are_twips = True
ws7.panes_frozen = False
ws7.horz_split_pos = H * 250 + 240 # twips
ws7.horz_split_first_visible = HF
ws7.vert_split_pos = V * 955 + 410 # twips
ws7.vert_split_first_visible = VF'panes2.xls')
from xlwt import * wb = Workbook()
ws0 = wb.add_sheet('sheet0') fnt1 = Font() = 'Verdana'
fnt1.bold = True
fnt1.height = 18*0x14 pat1 = Pattern()
pat1.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
pat1.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16 brd1 = Borders()
brd1.left = 0x06
brd1.right = 0x06 = 0x06
brd1.bottom = 0x06 fnt2 = Font() = 'Verdana'
fnt2.bold = True
fnt2.height = 14*0x14 brd2 = Borders()
brd2.left = 0x01
brd2.right = 0x01 = 0x01
brd2.bottom = 0x01 pat2 = Pattern()
pat2.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
pat2.pattern_fore_colour = 0x01F fnt3 = Font() = 'Verdana'
fnt3.bold = True
fnt3.italic = True
fnt3.height = 12*0x14 brd3 = Borders()
brd3.left = 0x07
brd3.right = 0x07 = 0x07
brd3.bottom = 0x07 fnt4 = Font() al1 = Alignment()
al1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
al1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER al2 = Alignment()
al2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
al2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER al3 = Alignment()
al3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
al3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER style1 = XFStyle()
style1.font = fnt1
style1.alignment = al1
style1.pattern = pat1
style1.borders = brd1 style2 = XFStyle()
style2.font = fnt2
style2.alignment = al1
style2.pattern = pat2
style2.borders = brd2 style3 = XFStyle()
style3.font = fnt3
style3.alignment = al1
style3.pattern = pat2
style3.borders = brd3 price_style = XFStyle()
price_style.font = fnt4
price_style.alignment = al2
price_style.borders = brd3
price_style.num_format_str = '_(#,##0.00_) "money"' ware_style = XFStyle()
ware_style.font = fnt4
ware_style.alignment = al3
ware_style.borders = brd3 ws0.merge(3, 3, 1, 5, style1)
ws0.merge(4, 10, 1, 6, style2)
ws0.merge(14, 16, 1, 7, style3)
ws0.col(1).width = 0x0d00'merged1.xls') from xlwt import * w = Workbook()
ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude') fmts = [
'# ?/?',
'# ??/??',
'h:mm AM/PM',
'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
'M/D/YY h:mm',
'_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* (#,##0);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_)',
'_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)',
'_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* (#,##0.00);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)',
'_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)',
] i = 0
for fmt in fmts:
ws.write(i, 0, fmt) style = XFStyle()
style.num_format_str = fmt ws.write(i, 4, -1278.9078, style) i += 1'num_formats.xls')

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