解决 MySQL 分页数据错乱重复
一天,小明很着急地在通讯工具上说:这边线上出现了个奇怪的问题,麻烦 DBA 大大鉴定下,执行语句 select xx from table_name wheere xxx order by 字段A limit offset;
表数据总共 48 条,分页数量正常,但出现了结果混杂的情况,第一页的数据出现在了第二页上;如果 order by 字段B
If multiple rows have identical values in the ORDER BY columns, the server is free to return those rows in any order, and may do so differently depending on the overall execution plan. In other words, the sort order of those rows is nondeterministic with respect to the nonordered columns.
One factor that affects the execution plan is LIMIT, so an ORDER BY query with and without LIMIT may return rows in different orders.
本次实验使用社区版 MySQL 5.6.26(因为小明出现问题的环境就是这个版本O(∩_∩)O~),下面先创建实验环境和初始化测试数据:
root@localhost [(none)]>select @@version;
| @@version |
| 5.6.26-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [(none)]>show variables like "sql_mode";
| Variable_name | Value |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [(none)]>create database glon_ho;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
root@localhost [(none)]>use glon_ho
Database changed
root@localhost [glon_ho]>create table glon(
-> id int not null auto_increment primary key,
-> name varchar(20) not null,
-> create_time datetime not null,
-> age tinyint unsigned default 18
-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>INSERT INTO `glon` VALUES (1, 'Eason Chan', '2017-05-02 08:10:10', 19),(2, 'Glon Ho', '2017-05-03 12:10:10', 18),(3, '赵敏', '2017-05-03 14:10:10', 17),(4, 'Jacky Cheung', '2017-05-02 14:00:00', 22),(5, '周芷若', '2017-05-02 14:00:00', 16),(6, 'Andy Lau', '2017-05-02 14:00:00', 50),(7, '至尊宝', '2017-05-02 14:00:00', 20),(8, '刘三姐', '2017-05-02 14:00:00', 19);
Query OK, 8 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 8 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
这里创建了一个 glon 表,字段有自增 id, 姓名 name, 年龄 age, 及用户注册时间 create_time。
- 根据用户注册时间 create_time 来排序:
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
可以看到两次查询结果中都出现了 id 为 8 的刘三姐,从上面初始化数据来看,总共有 8 条数据,现在不但分页出现重复数据,还丢了一条!
- create_time 和 age 组合排序
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,age limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,age limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- create_time 和 id 组合排序
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,id limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,id limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- 主键 id 排序
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY id limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY id limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
看到,后面的几组排序方式都没有再出现问题了,结合官档,我们知道 order by 排序的时候,如果排序字段中有多行相同的列值,则排序结果是不确定的。所以后面的几组组合形式的排序或者是主键 id 的排序,因为唯一性高,所以排序是确定的,不会出现结果混乱的问题。
那是不是可以就此结束了呢,no way, 我们再来看下面的实验,继续巩固一下:
- 根据年龄 age 来排序:
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY age limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY age limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
咦,这个排序也只是根据一个字段 age 来排序,怎么就没有出问题呢?不急,还有招:
root@localhost [glon_ho]>insert into glon values (9,'乔峰','2017-05-03 13:10:10',22),(10,'段誉','2017-05-03 15:10:10',19),(11,'郭靖','2017-05-03 17:10:10',20),(12,'黄蓉','2017-05-03 08:10:10',19);
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 4 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 9 | 乔峰 | 2017-05-03 13:10:10 | 22 |
| 10 | 段誉 | 2017-05-03 15:10:10 | 19 |
| 11 | 郭靖 | 2017-05-03 17:10:10 | 20 |
| 12 | 黄蓉 | 2017-05-03 08:10:10 | 19 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
我又给 glon 表新增了几条数据,然后再来看看:
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 12 | 黄蓉 | 2017-05-03 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time limit 8, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 9 | 乔峰 | 2017-05-03 13:10:10 | 22 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 10 | 段誉 | 2017-05-03 15:10:10 | 19 |
| 11 | 郭靖 | 2017-05-03 17:10:10 | 20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
根据 create_time 排序,没有问题了,再来:
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY age limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY age limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 12 | 黄蓉 | 2017-05-03 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 10 | 段誉 | 2017-05-03 15:10:10 | 19 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY age limit 8, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 9 | 乔峰 | 2017-05-03 13:10:10 | 22 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
可以看到根据年龄 age 排序,问题出现了。
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,id limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,id limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 12 | 黄蓉 | 2017-05-03 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,id limit 8, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 9 | 乔峰 | 2017-05-03 13:10:10 | 22 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 10 | 段誉 | 2017-05-03 15:10:10 | 19 |
| 11 | 郭靖 | 2017-05-03 17:10:10 | 20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,age limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,age limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
| 12 | 黄蓉 | 2017-05-03 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY create_time,age limit 8, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 9 | 乔峰 | 2017-05-03 13:10:10 | 22 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 10 | 段誉 | 2017-05-03 15:10:10 | 19 |
| 11 | 郭靖 | 2017-05-03 17:10:10 | 20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY age,id limit 0, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY age,id limit 4, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 10 | 段誉 | 2017-05-03 15:10:10 | 19 |
| 12 | 黄蓉 | 2017-05-03 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon ORDER BY age,id limit 8, 4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 11 | 郭靖 | 2017-05-03 17:10:10 | 20 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 9 | 乔峰 | 2017-05-03 13:10:10 | 22 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>alter table glon add index ix_age(age);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
root@localhost [glon_ho]>show create table glon\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: glon
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `glon` (
`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`create_time` datetime NOT NULL,
`age` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '18',
KEY `ix_age` (`age`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon order by age limit 0,4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon order by age limit 4,4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 12 | 黄蓉 | 2017-05-03 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 10 | 段誉 | 2017-05-03 15:10:10 | 19 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from glon order by age limit 8,4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 9 | 乔峰 | 2017-05-03 13:10:10 | 22 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
也可以不在 order by 后面加多一列增加唯一性,可以改写成下面的形式:
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from (select distinct g.* from glon g order by age) t limit 0,4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 5 | 周芷若 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 16 |
| 3 | 赵敏 | 2017-05-03 14:10:10 | 17 |
| 2 | Glon Ho | 2017-05-03 12:10:10 | 18 |
| 1 | Eason Chan | 2017-05-02 08:10:10 | 19 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from (select distinct g.* from glon g order by age) t limit 4,4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 10 | 段誉 | 2017-05-03 15:10:10 | 19 |
| 8 | 刘三姐 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 19 |
| 12 | 黄蓉 | 2017-05-03 08:10:10 | 19 |
| 11 | 郭靖 | 2017-05-03 17:10:10 | 20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
root@localhost [glon_ho]>select * from (select distinct g.* from glon g order by age) t limit 8,4;
| id | name | create_time | age |
| 7 | 至尊宝 | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 20 |
| 9 | 乔峰 | 2017-05-03 13:10:10 | 22 |
| 4 | Jacky Cheung | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 22 |
| 6 | Andy Lau | 2017-05-02 14:00:00 | 50 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
总之,如果发生了,最简单的方法就是在排序列(如 create time)上加索引,然后在 order by 上明示 primary key,这个问题就非常圆满的解决了。
MySQL 使用 limit 进行分页时,可能会出现重复数据,通过加入 order by 子句可以解决,但是需要注意的是,如果排序字段有相同值的情况下,由于排序字段数据重复,可能会导致每次查询排序后结果顺序不同,分页还是会出现重复数据,这时可以加入第二个排序字段,提高排序的唯一性,最好保证排序的字段在表中的值是唯一的,这样就可以少写一个排序字段,增加查询效率,因为 order by 后面有多个排序字段时,无法用到索引。
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最近在学习python,纯粹是自己的兴趣爱好,然而并没有系统地看python编程书籍,觉得上面描述过于繁琐,在网站找了一些学习的网站,发现廖雪峰老师的网站上面的学习资源很不错,而且言简意赅,提取了一些 ...
- JavaScript实现
JavaScript实现 Javascript实现虽然JavaScript和ECMAScript通常都被人们用来表达相同的含义,但JavaScript的含义却比ECMA-262中规定的要多得多.没错, ...
- 如何写一手漂亮的 Vue
前几日听到一句生猛与激励并存,可怕与尴尬同在,最无奈也无解的话:"90后,你的中年危机已经杀到".这令我很受触动.显然,这有些夸张了,但就目前这日复一日的庸碌下去,眨眼的功夫,那情 ...
- 【C++】指针与引用的区别
本文主要总结在C++中指针与引用的区别. 从定义与性质来看指针与引用有如下区别: 指针表示的是一块变量的地址 引用表示一个变量的别名. 因此指针变量需要占用空间(一个指针变量在32位系统下占用4字节, ...
- GWT开端
这篇文章是转载的,原地址:GWT开端 以前的基于GWT的项目中广泛使用的还是gwt-windows-1.5.3这个版本的. 1.下载地址:http://code.google.com/webtoolk ...
- Python之路-shell&计划任务
开发脚本自动部署及监控1.编写脚本自动部署反向代理.web.nfs:要求: I.部署nginx反向代理三个web服务,调度算法使用加权轮询: II.所有web服务使用共享存储nfs ...
- 老李回答:JAVA程序的性能测试方法
Java 1.5以上都在虚拟机里内建了程序性能跟踪的功能,并提供了Java Profiling API,简称JPA,你可以搜索'java profiling'.Java也提供了简单的性能性能跟踪工具J ...
- .Net面试葵花宝典
1. 面向对象的特征有哪些方面 抽象:抽象就是忽略一个主题中与当前目标无关的那些方面,以便更充分地注意与当前目标有关的方面.抽象并不打算了解全部问题,而只是选择其中 ...
- git常见操作和常见错误
最近写了个博客demo,在上传至github时,居然报错了,刚开始学习代码上传,免不了遇到一些问题,报错信息如下: fatal: remote origin already exists. (致命错误 ...
- FunDA:一个开源的函数式数据处理工具库,也是Slick的补充
如果你是一个Slick用户,或者你是一个数据库编程人员正在尝试进入函数式编程模式,那么FunDA可能会帮到你. 目前市面上FRM(Functional Relational Mapper),即函数式的 ...