<table id="giftList">
Item Title
</th></tr> <tr id="gift1" class="gift"><td>
Vegetable Basket
This vegetable basket is the perfect gift for your health conscious (or overweight) friends!
<span class="excitingNote">Now with super-colorful bell peppers!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img1.jpg">
</td></tr> <tr id="gift2" class="gift"><td>
Russian Nesting Dolls
Hand-painted by trained monkeys, these exquisite dolls are priceless! And by "priceless," we mean "extremely expensive"! <span class="excitingNote">8 entire dolls per set! Octuple the presents!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img2.jpg">
</td></tr> <tr id="gift3" class="gift"><td>
Fish Painting
If something seems fishy about this painting, it's because it's a fish! <span class="excitingNote">Also hand-painted by trained monkeys!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img3.jpg">
</td></tr> <tr id="gift4" class="gift"><td>
Dead Parrot
This is an ex-parrot! <span class="excitingNote">Or maybe he's only resting?</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img4.jpg">
</td></tr> <tr id="gift5" class="gift"><td>
Mystery Box
If you love suprises, this mystery box is for you! Do not place on light-colored surfaces. May cause oil staining. <span class="excitingNote">Keep your friends guessing!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img6.jpg">
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = urlopen("")
bsObj = BeautifulSoup(html,"lxml") for child in bsObj.find("table",{"id":"giftList"}).children:
Item Title
</th></tr> <tr class="gift" id="gift1"><td>
Vegetable Basket
This vegetable basket is the perfect gift for your health conscious (or overweight) friends!
<span class="excitingNote">Now with super-colorful bell peppers!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img1.jpg"/>
</td></tr> <tr class="gift" id="gift2"><td>
Russian Nesting Dolls
Hand-painted by trained monkeys, these exquisite dolls are priceless! And by "priceless," we mean "extremely expensive"! <span class="excitingNote">8 entire dolls per set! Octuple the presents!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img2.jpg"/>
</td></tr> <tr class="gift" id="gift3"><td>
Fish Painting
If something seems fishy about this painting, it's because it's a fish! <span class="excitingNote">Also hand-painted by trained monkeys!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img3.jpg"/>
</td></tr> <tr class="gift" id="gift4"><td>
Dead Parrot
This is an ex-parrot! <span class="excitingNote">Or maybe he's only resting?</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img4.jpg"/>
</td></tr> <tr class="gift" id="gift5"><td>
Mystery Box
If you love suprises, this mystery box is for you! Do not place on light-colored surfaces. May cause oil staining. <span class="excitingNote">Keep your friends guessing!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img6.jpg"/>
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = urlopen("")
bsObj = BeautifulSoup(html,"lxml") for child in bsObj.find("table",{"id":"giftList"}).tr:
Item Title
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = urlopen("")
bsObj = BeautifulSoup(html,"lxml") for child in bsObj.find("table",{"id":"giftList"}).descendants:
Item Title
Item Title
</th> Item Title <th>
</th> Description <th>
</th> Cost <th>
</th> Image <tr class="gift" id="gift1"><td>
Vegetable Basket
This vegetable basket is the perfect gift for your health conscious (or overweight) friends!
<span class="excitingNote">Now with super-colorful bell peppers!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img1.jpg"/>
Vegetable Basket
</td> Vegetable Basket <td>
This vegetable basket is the perfect gift for your health conscious (or overweight) friends!
<span class="excitingNote">Now with super-colorful bell peppers!</span>
</td> This vegetable basket is the perfect gift for your health conscious (or overweight) friends! <span class="excitingNote">Now with super-colorful bell peppers!</span>
Now with super-colorful bell peppers! <td>
</td> $15.00 <td>
<img src="../img/gifts/img1.jpg"/>
</td> <img src="../img/gifts/img1.jpg"/> <tr class="gift" id="gift2"><td>
Russian Nesting Dolls
Hand-painted by trained monkeys, these exquisite dolls are priceless! And by "priceless," we mean "extremely expensive"! <span class="excitingNote">8 entire dolls per set! Octuple the presents!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img2.jpg"/>
Russian Nesting Dolls
</td> Russian Nesting Dolls <td>
Hand-painted by trained monkeys, these exquisite dolls are priceless! And by "priceless," we mean "extremely expensive"! <span class="excitingNote">8 entire dolls per set! Octuple the presents!</span>
</td> Hand-painted by trained monkeys, these exquisite dolls are priceless! And by "priceless," we mean "extremely expensive"!
<span class="excitingNote">8 entire dolls per set! Octuple the presents!</span>
8 entire dolls per set! Octuple the presents! <td>
</td> $10,000.52 <td>
<img src="../img/gifts/img2.jpg"/>
</td> <img src="../img/gifts/img2.jpg"/> <tr class="gift" id="gift3"><td>
Fish Painting
If something seems fishy about this painting, it's because it's a fish! <span class="excitingNote">Also hand-painted by trained monkeys!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img3.jpg"/>
Fish Painting
</td> Fish Painting <td>
If something seems fishy about this painting, it's because it's a fish! <span class="excitingNote">Also hand-painted by trained monkeys!</span>
</td> If something seems fishy about this painting, it's because it's a fish!
<span class="excitingNote">Also hand-painted by trained monkeys!</span>
Also hand-painted by trained monkeys! <td>
</td> $10,005.00 <td>
<img src="../img/gifts/img3.jpg"/>
</td> <img src="../img/gifts/img3.jpg"/> <tr class="gift" id="gift4"><td>
Dead Parrot
This is an ex-parrot! <span class="excitingNote">Or maybe he's only resting?</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img4.jpg"/>
Dead Parrot
</td> Dead Parrot <td>
This is an ex-parrot! <span class="excitingNote">Or maybe he's only resting?</span>
</td> This is an ex-parrot!
<span class="excitingNote">Or maybe he's only resting?</span>
Or maybe he's only resting? <td>
</td> $0.50 <td>
<img src="../img/gifts/img4.jpg"/>
</td> <img src="../img/gifts/img4.jpg"/> <tr class="gift" id="gift5"><td>
Mystery Box
If you love suprises, this mystery box is for you! Do not place on light-colored surfaces. May cause oil staining. <span class="excitingNote">Keep your friends guessing!</span>
<img src="../img/gifts/img6.jpg"/>
Mystery Box
</td> Mystery Box <td>
If you love suprises, this mystery box is for you! Do not place on light-colored surfaces. May cause oil staining. <span class="excitingNote">Keep your friends guessing!</span>
</td> If you love suprises, this mystery box is for you! Do not place on light-colored surfaces. May cause oil staining.
<span class="excitingNote">Keep your friends guessing!</span>
Keep your friends guessing! <td>
</td> $1.50 <td>
<img src="../img/gifts/img6.jpg"/>
</td> <img src="../img/gifts/img6.jpg"/>
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