修复VirtualBox "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU"(安装深度Linux的时候就需要)
异常处理汇总-开发工具 http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/4522988.html
修复VirtualBox "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU"
修复VirtualBox "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU"(安装深度Linux的时候就需要)的更多相关文章
- 修复VirtualBox "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU"
异常处理汇总-开发工具 http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/4522988.html 修复VirtualBox "This kernel requires ...
- 修复VirtualBox "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae Unable to boot
问题描述: 1.机器:Linux主机,特别是主机为大内存,比如: 4G内存的使用pae内核的Ubuntu系统的dell电脑. 2.情况:使用VirtualBox安装Linux系统时,比如:通过Virt ...
- Unable to boot : please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu
假设你在virtualbox里得到这种提示信息: Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU 以下的解决的方法,能够帮你 ...
- This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU.
为了运行一款软件,我也是拼了.彻底的玩了一次,因为A需要B,我去下载B,结果B又需要C,我去下载C,结果……怎一个艰难了得.最关键的是,目前还没有达到目的!!! 先记录下过程,有时间再来一遍,也许我已 ...
- this kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. unable to boot - please ues a ker
http://blog.csdn.net/xiao_cs/article/details/7728529 this kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only de ...
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