In C
A null-pointer constant is an integral constant expression that evaluates to zero (like 0 or 0L), or the cast of such value to type void* (like (void*)0).
In C++98
A null-pointer constant is an integral constant expression that evaluates to zero (such as 0 or 0L).
In C++11
A null-pointer constant is either an integral constant expression that evaluates to zero (such as 0 or 0L), or a value of type nullptr_t (such as nullptr).
From the description of cpluscplus reference, we can see that NULL's definition is compiler dependent. In this blog, I only discuss the behavior of gcc in linux operating system.
// file test.c
void func(int* p) {
if (p) *p = 1;
int main()
int* p = 0;//NULL;
return 0;
use gcc to see what's NULL is:
gcc -E test.c | less
# 2 "test.c" 2
void func(int* p) {
if (p) *p = 1;
int main()
int* p = 0;
func(((void *)0));
return 0;
we can see that in C, NULL is (void*)0;
In C++
void func(int* p) {
if (p) *p = 1;
int main()
int* p = 0;//NULL;
std::cout << p << std::endl;
return 0;
void func(int* p) {
if (p) *p = 1;
int main()
int* p = 0;
std::cout << p << std::endl;
return 0;
it's __null, a integral constant expression.
The only change that might affect people is the type of NULL: while it is required to be a macro, the definition of that macro is not allowed to be (void*)0, which is often used in C.
For g++, NULL is #define'd to be __null, a magic keyword extension of g++.
The biggest problem of #defining NULL to be something like “0L” is that the compiler will view that as a long integer before it views it as a pointer, so overloading won't do what you expect. (This is why g++ has a magic extension, so that NULL is always a pointer.)
typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t;
Null pointer type (C++)
Type of the null pointer constant nullptr.
This type can only take one value: nullptr, which when converted to a pointer type takes the proper null pointer value.
Even though nullptr_t it is not a keyword, it identifies a distinct fundamental type: the type of nullptr. As such, it participates in overload resolution as a different type.
This type is only defined for C++ (since C++11).
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