

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <tuple> int main()
std::ignore = ;
std::ignore = "hello";
std::ignore = std::make_pair<int,std::string>(, ""); std::set<std::string> set_of_str;
bool inserted = false;
std::tie(std::ignore, inserted) = set_of_str.insert("Test");
if (inserted)
std::cout << "Value was inserted successfully\n";
} return ;



template<typename... _Elements>
constexpr tuple<_Elements&...>
tie(_Elements&... __args) noexcept
return tuple<_Elements&...>(__args...);



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <tuple>
#include <algorithm> struct S {
int n;
std::string s;
float d; S(int in, std::string && ss, float fd):n(in),s(ss),d(fd)
{} bool operator<(const S& rhs) const
// compares n to rhs.n,
// then s to rhs.s,
// then d to rhs.d
return std::tie(n, s, d) < std::tie(rhs.n, rhs.s, rhs.d);
}; int main()
std::set<S> set_of_s; // S is LessThanComparable S value {, "Test", 3.14};
std::set<S>::iterator iter;
bool inserted; // unpacks the return value of insert into iter and inserted
std::tie(iter, inserted) = set_of_s.insert(value);
set_of_s.emplace(,"t2", 9.8); if (inserted)
std::cout << "Value was inserted successfully\n"; for_each(set_of_s.begin(), set_of_s.end(), [](const S & value){
std::cout << value.n << ' ' << value.s << ' ' << value.d << std::endl;
}); return ;


Value was inserted successfully
t2 9.8
Test 3.14

经过排序之后,(12,"t2", 9.8) 在前面

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