AC日记——The Child and Sequence codeforces 250D
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define maxn 100005
#define ll long long struct TreeNodeType {
ll l, r, mid, dis, max;
struct TreeNodeType tree[maxn << ]; ll n,m; inline void in(ll &now)
char Cget = getchar(); now = ;
while (Cget > '' || Cget < '') Cget = getchar();
while (Cget >= ''&&Cget <= '')
now = now * + Cget - '';
Cget = getchar();
} void tree_build(ll now, ll l, ll r)
tree[now].l = l, tree[now].r = r;
if (l == r)
tree[now].max = tree[now].dis;
tree[now].mid = l + r >> ;
tree_build(now << , l, tree[now].mid);
tree_build(now << | , tree[now].mid + , r);
tree[now].dis = tree[now << ].dis + tree[now << | ].dis;
tree[now].max = max(tree[now << ].max, tree[now << | ].max);
} void tree_to(ll now, ll to,ll x)
if (tree[now].l == tree[now].r)
tree[now].dis = x;
tree[now].max = x;
if (to <= tree[now].mid) tree_to(now << , to, x);
else tree_to(now << | , to, x);
tree[now].dis = tree[now << ].dis + tree[now << | ].dis;
tree[now].max = max(tree[now << ].max, tree[now << | ].max);
} void tree_mod(ll now, ll l, ll r, ll x)
if (tree[now].max < x) return;
if (tree[now].l >= l&&tree[now].r <= r) tree[now].dis %= x, tree[now].max %= x;
if (tree[now].l == tree[now].r) return;
if (l <= tree[now].mid) tree_mod(now << , l, r, x);
if (r > tree[now].mid) tree_mod(now << |, l, r, x);
tree[now].dis = tree[now << ].dis + tree[now << | ].dis;
tree[now].max = max(tree[now << ].max, tree[now << | ].max);
//cout <<"^ "<< l << ' ' << r << ' ' << tree[now].dis << ' ' << tree[now].max << endl;
} ll tree_query(ll now, ll l, ll r)
if (tree[now].l == l&&tree[now].r == r) return tree[now].dis;
if (l > tree[now].mid) return tree_query(now << | , l, r);
else if (r <= tree[now].mid) return tree_query(now << , l, r);
else return tree_query(now << , l, tree[now].mid) + tree_query(now << | , tree[now].mid + , r);
} int main()
in(n), in(m);
tree_build(, , n);
ll op, u, v, x;
for (; m--;)
if (op == ) printf("%lld\n", tree_query(, u, v));
if (op == ) in(x), tree_mod(, u, v, x);
if (op == ) tree_to(, u, v);
return ;
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