
Follow up for "Remove Duplicates":
What if duplicates are allowed at most twice?

For example,
Given sorted array nums = [1,1,1,2,2,3],

Your function should return length = 5, with the first five elements of nums being 1122 and 3. It doesn't matter what you leave beyond the new length.


Solution 1

class Solution {
int removeDuplicates(vector<int>& nums) {
int k = ;
int n = nums.size();
if(n < )
return n;
int index = , cnt = ;
for(int i = ; i < n; ++i){
if(nums[i] != nums[index]){
cnt = ;
nums[++index] = nums[i];
} else if(++cnt <= k){
nums[++index] = nums[i];
return index + ;

Solution 2

class Solution {
int removeDuplicates(vector<int>& nums) {
int k = ;
int n = nums.size();
if(n < k)
return n;
int index = k;
for(int i = k; i < n; ++i){
if(nums[i] != nums[index - k])
nums[index++] = nums[i];
return index;

此解与Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array相似

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