May 6th 2017 Week 18th Saturday
A great ship asks deep water.
A great ship needs deep water so as to get enough buoyancy to keep itself afloat in the water, if it carelessly moves to the shalow water, it may pile up on the rocks or the water bottom.
A small boat, like a canoe, on the contrary, always have to sail in the shalow water, if it moves into the deep water, like an ocean, it may be overturned by the stormy waves of the ocean.
Through the above comparation, I mean that every one must find out the most suitable position for himself so as to give full play to his capabilities and to avoid the possible risks.
All in all, we must learn how to make use of the environmental conditions to make profits and avoid losses.
I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.
From Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill was a British politician who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.
As Primer Minister, he led the Britain to win over the Germany and then he started the iron curtain against the Soviet Union.
He was also an officer in the British Army, a non-academic historian, and a writer, by the way, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for his overall, lifetime body of work.
Actually, he didn't do very well at his school days, but after he graduated from the college he performed extraordinarily in his career.
The world is always changing, we must get ready to learn the new things, to tackle the new challenges, or to accpet the new reality.
So it be, when we control our reaction to the seemingly uncontrollable problems of life, then in the actual fact we do control the problems' effects on us.
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