C++ Map实践
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std; int main() {
cout << "Map 测试" << endl; //int i =1;
string name("jack");
pair<int, string> pair1(, name);
pair<int, string> pair2(, "老张"); map<int, string> map1;
map1.insert(pair2); map<int, string>::iterator it;
for (it = map1.begin(); it != map1.end(); it++) {
cout << (*it).first << "->" << (*it).second << endl;
} pair<string, string> pair21("张三", "张三");
pair<string, string> pair22("老张", "老张"); map<string, string> map2;
map2.insert(pair22); map<string, string>::iterator it2;
for (it2 = map2.begin(); it2 != map2.end(); it2++) {
cout << (*it2).first << "->" << (*it2).second << endl;
} map2.erase("张三");
cout << "再次遍历" << endl;
for (it2 = map2.begin(); it2 != map2.end(); it2++) {
cout << (*it2).first << "->" << (*it2).second << endl;
} map2.insert(pair<string, string>("老张2", "老张2"));
cout << "再次遍历2" << endl;
for (it2 = map2.begin(); it2 != map2.end(); it2++) {
cout << (*it2).first << "->" << (*it2).second << endl;
} cout << "测试结束" << endl;
return ;
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