【leetcode】698. Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets
解题思路:本题是【leetcode】473. Matchsticks to Square的姊妹篇,唯一的区别是【leetcode】473. Matchsticks to Square指定了分成四个子数组,而本题分成的份数不定,作为参数输入。另外,本题的测试用例好像复杂一点,因此我过滤掉了nums中值等于avg的元素,不参与后面的DFS计算,提高效率。
- class Solution(object):
- def canPartitionKSubsets(self, nums, k):
- """
- :type nums: List[int]
- :type k: int
- :rtype: bool
- """
- border = k
- if sum(nums) % border != 0:
- return False
- avg = sum(nums) / border
- #过滤掉了nums中值等于avg的元素,不参与后面的DFS计算
- newnums = []
- for i in nums:
- if i == avg:
- border -= 1
- continue
- newnums.append(i)
- nums = newnums[:]
- nums.sort()
- queue = [[x] for x in xrange(len(nums))]
- res = []
- visit = [0 for x in xrange(len(nums))]
- while len(queue) > 0:
- nl = queue.pop(0)
- amount = 0
- for i in nl:
- amount += nums[i]
- if amount == avg:
- res.append(nl)
- for i in nl:
- visit[i] = 1
- continue
- tl = []
- for i in xrange(nl[-1] + 1, len(nums)):
- if amount + nums[i] <= avg:
- tl = nl[:]
- tl.append(i)
- queue.append(tl)
- if len(res) < border:
- return False
- if sum(visit) != len(visit):
- return False
- queue = []
- for i in res:
- queue.append((set(i), 1))
- # print queue
- while len(queue) > 0:
- ns, count = queue.pop(0)
- if count == border and len(ns) == len(nums):
- # print ns
- return True
- for i in res:
- # print ns | set(i)
- if len(ns | set(i)) == len(ns) + len(i):
- queue.insert(0, (ns | set(i), count + 1))
- return False
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