Connected Mode

You can bind Eclipse projects to a SonarQube project (supporting SonarQube servers 5.6+). This operation will make SonarLint use the analyzers, quality profiles and settings defined on your SonarQube server. This is a convenient way of customizing the rules used by SonarLint.

First step is to connect to your SonarQube server:

  • In SonarQube server view, right click and choose "New -> Server connection", or directly do "File -> New -> Other... -> SonarLint -> New Server".
  • Complete connection details (URL and credentials).
  • Test connection
  • Click "Finish" to close the wizard and start updating configuration from the server (may take a while)

You can manage your SonarQube server connections in the "SonarQube Servers" view. To manually trigger an update of local configuration (if remote SonarQube configuration has changed): right click on a server and use the "update" action.


Now you can bind one or more Eclipse project(s) to their remote SonarQube pair. Right click on project -> "SonarLint -> Bind with remote SonarQube server..."

You can now use the wizard to find the matching SonarQube project. First try the "auto-bind" feature that will try to find best match based on Eclipse project name. If auto-bind fail you can manually search for a project.

Click on "Finish" to persist the binding. You should now show SonarQube overlay on your bound project icon.

That's it, you can now code and see SonarLint reporting issues based on remote SonarQube configuration.

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