- Redis操作模式
# Author:Li Dongfei
import redis
r = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379)
r.set('foo', 'bar')
- Redis连接池
# Author:Li Dongfei
import redis
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379)
r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
r.set('foo', 'bar')
- set(name, value, ex=None, px=None, nx=False, xx=False)
- setnx(name, value)
- setex(name, value, time)
- psetex(name, time_ms, value)
- mset(*args, **kwargs)
- get(name)
- mget(keys, *args)
- getset(name, value)
- getrange(key, start, end)
- setrange(name, offset, value)
- setbit(name, offset, value)
- bitcount(key, start=None, end=None)
- bitop(operation, dest, *keys)
- strlen(name)
- incr(self, name, amount=1)
- incrbyfloat(self, name, amount=1.0)
- decr(self, name, amount=1)
- append(key, value)
- hset(name, key, value)
- hmset(name, mapping)
- hget(name,key)
- hmget(name, keys, *args)
- hgetall(name)
- hlen(name)
- hkeys(name)
- hvals(name)
- hexists(name, key)
- hdel(name,*keys)
- hincrby(name, key, amount=1)
- hincrbyfloat(name, key, amount=1.0)
- hscan(name, cursor=0, match=None, count=None)
- hscan_iter(name, match=None, count=None)
- lpush(name,values)
- lpushx(name,value)
- llen(name)
- linsert(name, where, refvalue, value))
- r.lset(name, index, value)
- r.lrem(name, value, num)
- lpop(name)
- lindex(name, index)
- lrange(name, start, end)
- ltrim(name, start, end)
- rpoplpush(src, dst)
- blpop(keys, timeout)
- brpoplpush(src, dst, timeout=0)
- sadd(name,values)
- scard(name)
- sdiff(keys, *args)
- sdiffstore(dest, keys, *args)
- sinter(keys, *args)
- sinterstore(dest, keys, *args)
- sismember(name, value)
- smembers(name)
- smove(src, dst, value)
- spop(name)
- srandmember(name, numbers)
- srem(name, values)
- sunion(keys, *args)
- sunionstore(dest,keys, *args)
- sscan(name, cursor=0, match=None, count=None)
- sscan_iter(name, match=None, count=None)
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