今天我们介绍图像处理邻域中比较常用的一种方法,image pyramid, 也叫图像金字塔。就是将图像进行一层一层的下采样,图像金字塔是为了构建图像的多尺度,让模型能够更好的适应图像的尺度变化,图像金字塔可以广泛应用于图像识别,目标检测,还有光流配准,块匹配都能看到它的身影。图像金字塔主要有两种,一种是高斯金字塔,gaussian pyramid,另外一种是拉普拉斯金字塔,Laplacian Pyramids。

(3)G0=IG1=Down(G0∗F)G2=Down(G1∗F)⋅⋅⋅GN=Down(GN−1∗F)" role="presentation">G0=IG1=Down(G0∗F)G2=Down(G1∗F)⋅⋅⋅GN=Down(GN−1∗F)(3)(3)G0=IG1=Down(G0∗F)G2=Down(G1∗F)⋅⋅⋅GN=Down(GN−1∗F)

Gk" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">GkGk 表示的每一层金字塔中的图像,F" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">FF 表示高斯卷积核,∗" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">∗∗ 表示卷积操作,Down" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">DownDown 表示下采样,上面的表达式,就可以构建一个图像金字塔。这个在 Open-CV 中有现成的函数,下面给出一段代码,看看高斯金字塔的构建:

    import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt A = cv2.imread('D:/Python_Code/Test_img/2.jpg')
row, col, dpt = A.shape
pyr_level = 4
# generate Gaussian pyramid for A
G = A.copy()
gpA = [G]
for i in range(pyr_level):
G = cv2.pyrDown(G)
gpA.append(G) G = np.zeros([row, col, dpt], dtype='uint8') rowX2 = row // 2
colX2 = col // 2
G[:rowX2, :colX2, :] = gpA[1]
rowX4 = rowX2 // 2
colX4 = colX2 // 2
G[rowX2:rowX2+rowX4, colX2:colX2+colX4, :] = gpA[2]
G[:rowX4, colX2:colX2+colX4, :] = gpA[2]
rowX8 = rowX4 // 2
colX8 = colX4 // 2
G[rowX2+rowX4:rowX2+rowX4+rowX8, colX2+colX4:colX2+colX4+colX8, :] = gpA[3]
G[ :rowX8, colX2+colX4:colX2+colX4+colX8, :] = gpA[3]
cv2.imshow("gau_pyr", G)



(4)L0=G0−Up(G1∗F)L1=G1−Up(G2∗F)L2=G2−Up(G3∗F)⋅⋅⋅LN−1=GN−1−Up(GN∗F)LN=GN" role="presentation">L0=G0−Up(G1∗F)L1=G1−Up(G2∗F)L2=G2−Up(G3∗F)⋅⋅⋅LN−1=GN−1−Up(GN∗F)LN=GN(4)(4)L0=G0−Up(G1∗F)L1=G1−Up(G2∗F)L2=G2−Up(G3∗F)⋅⋅⋅LN−1=GN−1−Up(GN∗F)LN=GN


(6)GN−1≈LN−1+Up(LN)GN−2≈LN−2+Up(GN−1)⋅⋅⋅G1≈L1+Up(G2)G0≈L0+Up(G1)" role="presentation">GN−1≈LN−1+Up(LN)GN−2≈LN−2+Up(GN−1)⋅⋅⋅G1≈L1+Up(G2)G0≈L0+Up(G1)(6)(6)GN−1≈LN−1+Up(LN)GN−2≈LN−2+Up(GN−1)⋅⋅⋅G1≈L1+Up(G2)G0≈L0+Up(G1)


    import cv2
import numpy as np
A = cv2.imread('D:/Python_Code/Test_img/2.jpg') pyr_level = 4
# generate Gaussian pyramid for A
G = A.copy()
gpA = [G]
for i in range(pyr_level):
G = cv2.pyrDown(G)
gpA.append(G) # generate Laplacian Pyramid for A
lpA = [gpA[pyr_level -1 ]]
for i in range(pyr_level - 1,0,-1):
GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpA[i])
L = cv2.subtract(gpA[i-1],GE)
lpA.append(L) # Now add left and right halves of images in each level
LS = []
for la,lb in zip(lpA,lpB):
rows,cols,dpt = la.shape
ls = la
LS.append(ls) # now reconstruct
ls_ = LS[0]
for i in range(1,pyr_level):
ls_ = cv2.pyrUp(ls_)
ls_ = cv2.add(ls_, LS[i]) cv2.imwrite('Pyramid_blending2.jpg',ls_)



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