BEC translation exercise 2
Forest fires are a regular feature of Chile's hot, arid summers.
A nearly decade-long drought combined with historically high temperatures have created tinder-like conditions in the nation's central regions.
According to official figures, the fires have so far consumed over 580,000 hectares.
A Super Bowl advertisement for digital home assistant caused problems for many who already owned the device.
Voice-activated personal assistants are growing in popularity, with online retailing giant Amazon also fielding a similar device called Echo.
Twitter says it is stepping up efforts to prevent abuse and harassment on its microblogging platform.
The rideshare service Uber has asked an expert from NASA, the American space agency, to help the company develop cars that can fly.
Last October, Uber announced plans to use flying vehicles in the future to avoid traffic in and around cities.
Uber said its flying vehicles would be much quieter, cost less to operate and produce less pollution than helicopters.
Beyoncé delivered a performance that was an ode to motherhood with her baby bump featured prominently.
The battle for the top awards was expected to be between two of the most successful women in pop -- Beyoncé and Adele.
A new study concludes that a tiny minority of so-called superspreaders was likely responsible for the lethal Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
One reason for the large increase is that many immigrants are refugees from Africa.
As they do each year on the third Monday in January, Americans are celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
Hundreds of thousands of people were expected to march Monday in parades and demonstrations in hundreds of U.S. cities and towns.
Former U.S. astronaut Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the surface of the moon, died Monday at age 82.
Just before leaving the moon as the last man to walk on it, Cernan said man would return there one day with peace and hope.
Cernan said he is not proud to be the last man to walk on the moon because of a fading interest in space travel.
The United States Senate has taken the first step toward ending President Barack Obama's healthcare program.
Senate Democrats are no longer able to block or delay future votes on Obamacare by making a long speech or series of speeches.
More than half of survey respondents think the current overall system is unfair and offers little hope for the future.
Flashing a two-finger peace sign is very common among Japanese when posing for a photo.
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