Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB

Score : 300 points

Problem Statement

You are given two integer sequences of length Na1,a2,..,aN and b1,b2,..,bN. Determine if we can repeat the following operation zero or more times so that the sequences a and b become equal.

Operation: Choose two integers i and j (possibly the same) between 1 and N (inclusive), then perform the following two actions simultaneously:

  • Add 2 to ai.
  • Add 1 to bj.


  • 1≤N≤10 000
  • 0≤ai,bi≤109 (1≤iN)
  • All input values are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

a1 a2 .. aN
b1 b2 .. bN


If we can repeat the operation zero or more times so that the sequences a and b become equal, print Yes; otherwise, print No.

Sample Input 1

1 2 3
5 2 2

Sample Output 1


For example, we can perform three operations as follows to do our job:

  • First operation: i=1 and j=2. Now we have a={3,2,3}b={5,3,2}.
  • Second operation: i=1 and j=2. Now we have a={5,2,3}b={5,4,2}.
  • Third operation: i=2 and j=3. Now we have a={5,4,3}b={5,4,3}.

Sample Input 2

3 1 4 1 5
2 7 1 8 2

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

2 7 1 8 2
3 1 4 1 5

Sample Output 3


如果a[i]>b[i],就需要a[i]-b[i]个b[i] + 1 操作,如果a[i] < b[i],就需要(a[i] - b[i])/2个a[i] + 2操作与其他的b[j] + 1操作进行组合,比如a[i] = 1,b[i] = 6,就需要2个第二种操作,加完后a[i]为5,比6差1,只需要a[i],b[i]同时再做一个操作就可以。根据题意需要第二个操作不少于第一个操作,才能保证两个操作一齐进行。
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int n;
long long a[],b[];
long long z,f;
int main()
for(int i = ;i < n;i ++)
for(int i = ;i < n;i ++)
if(b[i] - a[i] < )f += a[i] - b[i];
else if(b[i] - a[i] > )z += (b[i] - a[i]) / ;
if(z >= f)cout<<"Yes";
else cout<<"No";

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