LeetCode -- Linked List Circle ii
Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null
只想到了,首先判断是否有环,若有环,则总链首开始,一次判断是否是环的开始,这样T(O) = O(n^2)。
其实是一个数学问题,详细思路参照链接http://blog.csdn.net/sbitswc/article/details/27584037 。
public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {
ListNode fast = head, slow = head;
while(fast != null && fast.next != null) {
fast = fast.next.next;
slow = slow.next;
if(fast == slow)
} if(fast == null || fast.next == null)
return null; slow = head;
while(fast != slow) {
fast = fast.next;
slow = slow.next;
return fast;
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