Step 1: Creating Parts

  1. 1. Split the geometry

  2. 2. Create the INLET part.

  3. 3. Create the OUTLET part.

  4. 4. Rename the part comprising the arterial wall to AORTA_WALL.

  5. 5. Extract the feature curve from the inlet and outlet surfaces.



Step 2: Creating the Material Point

Geometry > Create Body

Step 3: Generating the Octree Mesh

1. Measure the smallest diameter on the aorta geometry.

2. Assign the mesh sizes.

3. Specify the parts for prism creation.

4. Modify the global prism settings.

5. Compute the mesh.

6. Examine the mesh: Disable the display of surfaces. Select Solid & Wire.

7. Use cut planes to examine the mesh.

Select Wire Frame.

Select Manage Cut Plane.

Set the following parameters:

Enable the display of volumes in the display control tree.

Select Solid & Wire. Examine the mesh using a cut plane in the X direction.

Disable Show Cut Plane in the Manage Cut Plane DEZ.


8. Smooth the mesh.

9. Check the mesh for any errors that may cause problems during the analysis.




Step 5: Saving the ProjectSave the geometry and mesh.Select the solver.Set the appropriate boundary conditions.Write the input file for ANSYS FLUENT.



Further Setup


1. Material properties

  • Density: 1060 kg/m3

  • Viscosity: 0.0035 kg/m-s

2. Boundary conditions

  • The transient velocity profile (one cycle) is available with the tutorial example file ( The profile assumes a cardiac output of 6.8 l/min and 75 beats per minute.

    Note:  Run at least 1.5 cycles to remove the effects of the initial condition.

  • Assume zero pressure at the outlets.

3. Post-processing

  • The periodic solution can be visualized by plotting the inlet pressure for 3 cycles.

  • Other results of interest include wall shear, static pressure on the wall, and velocities along the length.






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