1. 下载direcly-show lib DLL

2. DxPlay.cs (能够在下载的样例中找到):


 public class DxPlay : IDisposable
enum GraphState
} #region Member variables // File name we are playing
private string m_sFileName; // graph builder interfaces
private IFilterGraph2 m_FilterGraph;
private IMediaControl m_mediaCtrl;
private IMediaEvent m_mediaEvent; // Used to grab current snapshots
ISampleGrabber m_sampGrabber = null; // Grab once. Used to create bitmap
private int m_videoWidth;
private int m_videoHeight;
private int m_stride;
private int m_ImageSize; // In bytes // Event used by Media Event thread
private ManualResetEvent m_mre; // Current state of the graph (can change async)
volatile private GraphState m_State = GraphState.Stopped; #if DEBUG
// Allow you to "Connect to remote graph" from GraphEdit
DsROTEntry m_DsRot;
#endif #endregion // Release everything.
public void Dispose()
} // Event that is called when a clip finishs playing
public event DxPlayEvent StopPlay;
public delegate void DxPlayEvent(Object sender); // Play an avi file into a window. Allow for snapshots.
// (Control to show video in, Avi file to play
public DxPlay(Control hWin, string FileName)
int hr;
IntPtr hEvent; // Save off the file name
m_sFileName = FileName; // Set up the graph
SetupGraph(hWin, FileName); // Get the event handle the graph will use to signal
// when events occur
hr = m_mediaEvent.GetEventHandle(out hEvent);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Wrap the graph event with a ManualResetEvent
m_mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);
m_mre.Handle = hEvent;
m_mre.SafeWaitHandle = new Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeWaitHandle(hEvent, true);
#endif // Create a new thread to wait for events
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.EventWait));
t.Name = "Media Event Thread";
} // Wait for events to happen. This approach uses waiting on an event handle.
// The nice thing about doing it this way is that you aren't in the windows message
// loop, and don't have to worry about re-entrency or taking too long. Plus, being
// in a class as we are, we don't have access to the message loop.
// Alternately, you can receive your events as windows messages. See
// IMediaEventEx.SetNotifyWindow.
private void EventWait()
// Returned when GetEvent is called but there are no events
const int E_ABORT = unchecked((int)0x80004004); int hr;
IntPtr p1, p2;
EventCode ec; do
// Wait for an event
m_mre.WaitOne(-1, true); // Avoid contention for m_State
lock (this)
// If we are not shutting down
if (m_State != GraphState.Exiting)
// Read the event
for (
hr = m_mediaEvent.GetEvent(out ec, out p1, out p2, 0);
hr >= 0;
hr = m_mediaEvent.GetEvent(out ec, out p1, out p2, 0)
// Write the event name to the debug window
Debug.WriteLine(ec.ToString()); // If the clip is finished playing
if (ec == EventCode.Complete)
// Call Stop() to set state
Stop(); // Throw event
if (StopPlay != null)
} // Release any resources the message allocated
hr = m_mediaEvent.FreeEventParams(ec, p1, p2);
} // If the error that exited the loop wasn't due to running out of events
if (hr != E_ABORT)
// We are shutting down
} while (true);
} // Return the currently playing file name
public string FileName
return m_sFileName;
} // start playing
public void Start()
// If we aren't already playing (or shutting down)
if (m_State == GraphState.Stopped || m_State == GraphState.Paused)
int hr = m_mediaCtrl.Run();
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); m_State = GraphState.Running;
} // Pause the capture graph.
public void Pause()
// If we are playing
if (m_State == GraphState.Running)
int hr = m_mediaCtrl.Pause();
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); m_State = GraphState.Paused;
// Pause the capture graph.
public void Stop()
// Can only Stop when playing or paused
if (m_State == GraphState.Running || m_State == GraphState.Paused)
int hr = m_mediaCtrl.Stop();
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); m_State = GraphState.Stopped;
} // Reset the clip back to the beginning
public void Rewind()
int hr; IMediaPosition imp = m_FilterGraph as IMediaPosition;
hr = imp.put_CurrentPosition(0);
} // Grab a snapshot of the most recent image played.
// Returns A pointer to the raw pixel data. Caller must release this memory with
// Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem when it is no longer needed.
public IntPtr SnapShot()
int hr;
IntPtr ip = IntPtr.Zero;
int iBuffSize = 0; // Read the buffer size
hr = m_sampGrabber.GetCurrentBuffer(ref iBuffSize, ip);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); Debug.Assert(iBuffSize == m_ImageSize, "Unexpected buffer size"); // Allocate the buffer and read it
ip = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(iBuffSize); hr = m_sampGrabber.GetCurrentBuffer(ref iBuffSize, ip);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); return ip;
} // Convert a point to the raw pixel data to a .NET bitmap
public Bitmap IPToBmp(IntPtr ip)
// We know the Bits Per Pixel is 24 (3 bytes) because we forced it
// to be with sampGrabber.SetMediaType()
int iBufSize = m_videoWidth * m_videoHeight * 3; return new Bitmap(
(IntPtr)(ip.ToInt32() + iBufSize - m_stride)
} // Build the capture graph for grabber and renderer.</summary>
// (Control to show video in, Filename to play)
private void SetupGraph(Control hWin, string FileName)
int hr; // Get the graphbuilder object
m_FilterGraph = new FilterGraph() as IFilterGraph2; // Get a ICaptureGraphBuilder2 to help build the graph
ICaptureGraphBuilder2 icgb2 = new CaptureGraphBuilder2() as ICaptureGraphBuilder2; try
// Link the ICaptureGraphBuilder2 to the IFilterGraph2
hr = icgb2.SetFiltergraph(m_FilterGraph);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); #if DEBUG
// Allows you to view the graph with GraphEdit File/Connect
m_DsRot = new DsROTEntry(m_FilterGraph);
// Add the filters necessary to render the file. This function will
// work with a number of different file types.
IBaseFilter sourceFilter = null;
hr = m_FilterGraph.AddSourceFilter(FileName, FileName, out sourceFilter);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Get the SampleGrabber interface
m_sampGrabber = (ISampleGrabber)new SampleGrabber();
IBaseFilter baseGrabFlt = (IBaseFilter)m_sampGrabber; // Configure the Sample Grabber
ConfigureSampleGrabber(m_sampGrabber); // Add it to the filter
hr = m_FilterGraph.AddFilter(baseGrabFlt, "Ds.NET Grabber");
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Connect the pieces together, use the default renderer
hr = icgb2.RenderStream(null, null, sourceFilter, baseGrabFlt, null);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Now that the graph is built, read the dimensions of the bitmaps we'll be getting
SaveSizeInfo(m_sampGrabber); // Configure the Video Window
IVideoWindow videoWindow = m_FilterGraph as IVideoWindow;
ConfigureVideoWindow(videoWindow, hWin); // Grab some other interfaces
m_mediaEvent = m_FilterGraph as IMediaEvent;
m_mediaCtrl = m_FilterGraph as IMediaControl;
if (icgb2 != null)
icgb2 = null;
// Double check to make sure we aren't releasing something
// important.
} // Configure the video window
private void ConfigureVideoWindow(IVideoWindow videoWindow, Control hWin)
int hr; // Set the output window
hr = videoWindow.put_Owner(hWin.Handle);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Set the window style
hr = videoWindow.put_WindowStyle((WindowStyle.Child | WindowStyle.ClipChildren | WindowStyle.ClipSiblings));
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Make the window visible
hr = videoWindow.put_Visible(OABool.True);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Position the playing location
Rectangle rc = hWin.ClientRectangle;
hr = videoWindow.SetWindowPosition(0, 0, rc.Right, rc.Bottom);
} // Set the options on the sample grabber
private void ConfigureSampleGrabber(ISampleGrabber sampGrabber)
AMMediaType media;
int hr; // Set the media type to Video/RBG24
media = new AMMediaType();
media.majorType = MediaType.Video;
media.subType = MediaSubType.RGB24;
media.formatType = FormatType.VideoInfo;
hr = sampGrabber.SetMediaType(media);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(media);
media = null; // Configure the samplegrabber
hr = sampGrabber.SetBufferSamples(true);
} // Save the size parameters for use in SnapShot
private void SaveSizeInfo(ISampleGrabber sampGrabber)
int hr; // Get the media type from the SampleGrabber
AMMediaType media = new AMMediaType(); hr = sampGrabber.GetConnectedMediaType(media);
DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); try
{ if ((media.formatType != FormatType.VideoInfo) || (media.formatPtr == IntPtr.Zero))
throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown Grabber Media Format");
} // Get the struct
VideoInfoHeader videoInfoHeader = new VideoInfoHeader();
Marshal.PtrToStructure(media.formatPtr, videoInfoHeader); // Grab the size info
m_videoWidth = videoInfoHeader.BmiHeader.Width;
m_videoHeight = videoInfoHeader.BmiHeader.Height;
m_stride = videoInfoHeader.BmiHeader.ImageSize / m_videoHeight;
m_ImageSize = videoInfoHeader.BmiHeader.ImageSize;
media = null;
} // Shut down capture
private void CloseInterfaces()
int hr; lock (this)
if (m_State != GraphState.Exiting)
m_State = GraphState.Exiting; // Release the thread (if the thread was started)
if (m_mre != null)
} if (m_mediaCtrl != null)
// Stop the graph
hr = m_mediaCtrl.Stop();
m_mediaCtrl = null;
} if (m_sampGrabber != null)
m_sampGrabber = null;
} #if DEBUG
if (m_DsRot != null)
#endif if (m_FilterGraph != null)
m_FilterGraph = null;

3. 将Player载入到指定的panel中,本例须要循环播放。因此在stopplay中自己主动start()

private DxPlay m_play;
private void LoadVideoIntoPanel()
var pathBase = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
var path = Path.Combine(pathBase, bgVideo);
// Open the file, provide a handle to play it in
m_play = new DxPlay(_videoBackground, path);
m_play.Start(); // Let us know when the file is finished playing
m_play.StopPlay += sender =>
// Rewind clip to beginning to allow DxPlay.Start to work again.
}; }
catch (Exception ex)
_log.Error("Video Playing Error ==> " + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace);

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