

1.添加控件的函数 void QLayout::addWidget ( QWidget * w )

在这个例子里面我们重载这个函数 void addWidget ( QWidget * w, int position)


QList <ItemWrapper *> list。 私有变量list来管理布局中控件数量。


To make your own layout manager, implement the functions addItem(), sizeHint(), setGeometry(), itemAt() and takeAt(). You should also implement minimumSize() to ensure your layout isn't resized to zero size if there is too little space. To support children whose heights depend on their widths, implement hasHeightForWidth() and heightForWidth().


QSize BorderLayout::sizeHint() const 返回布局的理想的长度和宽度。

QSize BorderLayout::minimumSize() const 空间不够时,布局所需的最小的长度和宽度(布局不能少于这个最小的长度和宽度)

我们设计一个 QSize BorderLayout::calculateSize(SizeType sizeType) const函数来计算

enum SizeType { MinimumSize, SizeHint }

QSize BorderLayout::sizeHint() const { return calculateSize(SizeHint ); }

QSize BorderLayout::minimumSize() const { return calculateSize(MinimumSize); }


QSize BorderLayout::calculateSize(SizeType sizeType) const
QSize totalSize; for(int i=; i<list.size(); i++) {
ItemWrapper *wrapper = list.at(i);
QLayoutItem *item = wrapper->item;
Position position = wrapper->position;
QSize itemSize; if(sizeType == MinimumSize)
itemSize = item->minimumSize();
itemSize = item->sizeHint(); if(position == North || position == South || position == Central) {
totalSize.rheight() += itemSize.rheight();
} if(position == West || position == East || position == Central) {
totalSize.rwidth() += itemSize.rwidth();
} return totalSize;


void QLayout::addItem ( QLayoutItem * item ) [pure virtual] 这个函数在应用程序中程序员不调用。

void addWidget ( QWidget * w, Position  position) 最常用的添加控件方法。我们这里重载该函数,添加一个参数 position

void add(QLayoutItem *item, Position position) 我们实现add函数来添加控件

void BorderLayout::addItem(QLayoutItem *i)
add(i, West);
} void BorderLayout::addWidget(QWidget *w, Position position)
add(new QWidgetItem (w), position);
} void BorderLayout::add(QLayoutItem *i, Position position)
list.append(new ItemWrapper(i, position));


QLayoutItem * itemAt(int index) const;  返回索引下的QLayoutItem 
QLayoutItem * takeAt(int index); 删除索引下的QLayoutItem  并返回QLayoutItem的值

QLayoutItem * BorderLayout::itemAt(int index) const
ItemWrapper *wrapper = list.value(index);
return wrapper->item;
return ;
} QLayoutItem * BorderLayout::takeAt(int index)
if(index >= && index < list.size()) {
ItemWrapper *wrapper = list.takeAt(index);
return wrapper->item;
return ;



Qt::Orientations expandingDirections() const;
bool hasHeightForWidth() const;
int count() const;

Qt::Orientations BorderLayout::expandingDirections() const
return Qt::Horizontal | Qt::Vertical;
} bool BorderLayout::hasHeightForWidth() const
return false;
} int BorderLayout::count() const
return list.size();


但是控件摆放在整个布局中那个位置,如何摆放。这里需要void setGeometry(const QRect &rect)函数。

QLayout::setGeometry(rect). 获得布局的整个矩形大小。


void BorderLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &rect)
ItemWrapper *center = ; int northHeight = ;
int southHeight = ;
int centerHeight = ;
int westWidth = ;
int eastWidth = ; int i = ; QLayout::setGeometry(rect); for(i = ; i < list.size(); i++) {
ItemWrapper *wrapper = list.at(i);
QLayoutItem *item = wrapper->item;
Position position = wrapper->position; if(position == North) {
item->setGeometry(QRect(rect.x(), northHeight, rect.width(), item->sizeHint().height()));
northHeight += item->geometry().height() + spacing();
else if(position == South) {
item->setGeometry(QRect(item->geometry().x(), item->geometry().y(), rect.width(),
southHeight += item->geometry().height() + spacing(); item->setGeometry(QRect(rect.x(), rect.y()+rect.height()-southHeight+spacing(),
item->geometry().width(), item->geometry().height()));
else if(position == Central)
center = wrapper;
} centerHeight = rect.height() - northHeight - southHeight; for(i = ; i < list.size(); i++) {
ItemWrapper *wrapper = list.value(i);
QLayoutItem *item = wrapper->item;
Position position = wrapper->position; if(position == West) {
item->setGeometry(QRect(westWidth, northHeight, item->sizeHint().width(), centerHeight));
westWidth += item->geometry().width() + spacing();
else if(position == East) {
item->setGeometry(QRect(item->geometry().x(), item->geometry().y(),
item->sizeHint().width(), centerHeight)); eastWidth += item->geometry().width() + spacing(); item->setGeometry(QRect(rect.width() - eastWidth + spacing(), northHeight,
item->geometry().width(), item->geometry().height()));
} if(center) {
center->item->setGeometry(QRect(westWidth, northHeight,
rect.width() - westWidth - eastWidth, centerHeight));
} }



源代码: https://github.com/Satius/qt5/tree/master/qtbase/examples/widgets/layouts/borderlayout

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