- // For each thread, we have a ThreadData that stores all tracking info generated
- // on this thread. This prevents the need for locking as data accumulates.
- class ThreadData {
- public:
- typedef std::map<Location, Births*> BirthMap;
- typedef std::map<const Births*, DeathData> DeathMap;
- ThreadData();
- // Using Thread Local Store, find the current instance for collecting data.
- // If an instance does not exist, construct one (and remember it for use on
- // this thread.
- // If shutdown has already started, and we don't yet have an instance, then
- // return null.
- static ThreadData* current();
- // For a given about:objects URL, develop resulting HTML, and append to
- // output.
- static void WriteHTML(const std::string& query, std::string* output);
- // For a given accumulated array of results, use the comparator to sort and
- // subtotal, writing the results to the output.
- static void WriteHTMLTotalAndSubtotals(
- const DataCollector::Collection& match_array,
- const Comparator& comparator, std::string* output);
- // In this thread's data, find a place to record a new birth.
- Births* FindLifetime(const Location& location);
- // Find a place to record a death on this thread.
- void TallyADeath(const Births& lifetimes, const base::TimeDelta& duration);
- // (Thread safe) Get start of list of instances.
- static ThreadData* first();
- // Iterate through the null terminated list of instances.
- ThreadData* next() const { return next_; }
- MessageLoop* message_loop() const { return message_loop_; }
- const std::string ThreadName() const;
- // Using our lock, make a copy of the specified maps. These calls may arrive
- // from non-local threads.
- void SnapshotBirthMap(BirthMap *output) const;
- void SnapshotDeathMap(DeathMap *output) const;
- static void RunOnAllThreads(void (*Func)());
- // Set internal status_ to either become ACTIVE, or later, to be SHUTDOWN,
- // based on argument being true or false respectively.
- // IF tracking is not compiled in, this function will return false.
- static bool StartTracking(bool status);
- static bool IsActive();
- #ifdef OS_WIN
- // WARNING: ONLY call this function when all MessageLoops are still intact for
- // all registered threads. IF you call it later, you will crash.
- // Note: You don't need to call it at all, and you can wait till you are
- // single threaded (again) to do the cleanup via
- // ShutdownSingleThreadedCleanup().
- // Start the teardown (shutdown) process in a multi-thread mode by disabling
- // further additions to thread database on all threads. First it makes a
- // local (locked) change to prevent any more threads from registering. Then
- // it Posts a Task to all registered threads to be sure they are aware that no
- // more accumulation can take place.
- static void ShutdownMultiThreadTracking();
- #endif
- // WARNING: ONLY call this function when you are running single threaded
- // (again) and all message loops and threads have terminated. Until that
- // point some threads may still attempt to write into our data structures.
- // Delete recursively all data structures, starting with the list of
- // ThreadData instances.
- static void ShutdownSingleThreadedCleanup();
1. 开始
- StartTracking(true)
2. 结束,并输出
- StartTracking(false)
- WriteHTML(...)
- 有个测试用例,可以看看
- TEST_F(TrackedObjectsTest, MinimalStartupShutdown) {
- // Minimal test doesn't even create any tasks.
- if (!ThreadData::StartTracking(true))
- return;
- EXPECT_FALSE(ThreadData::first()); // No activity even on this thread.
- ThreadData* data = ThreadData::current();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ThreadData::first()); // Now class was constructed.
- EXPECT_TRUE(data);
- EXPECT_TRUE(!data->next());
- EXPECT_EQ(data, ThreadData::current());
- ThreadData::BirthMap birth_map;
- data->SnapshotBirthMap(&birth_map); // Get all birth data
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, birth_map.size());
- ThreadData::DeathMap death_map;
- data->SnapshotDeathMap(&death_map);
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, death_map.size());
- ThreadData::ShutdownSingleThreadedCleanup();
- // Do it again, just to be sure we reset state completely.
- ThreadData::StartTracking(true);
- EXPECT_FALSE(ThreadData::first()); // No activity even on this thread.
- data = ThreadData::current();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ThreadData::first()); // Now class was constructed.
- EXPECT_TRUE(data);
- EXPECT_TRUE(!data->next());
- EXPECT_EQ(data, ThreadData::current());
- birth_map.clear();
- data->SnapshotBirthMap(&birth_map);
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, birth_map.size());
- death_map.clear();
- data->SnapshotDeathMap(&death_map);
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, death_map.size());
- ThreadData::ShutdownSingleThreadedCleanup();
- }
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