urllib3 ConnectionPools
A connection pool is a container for a collection of connections to a specific host.
If you need to make requests to the same host repeatedly, then you should use a HTTPConnectionPool.
from urllib3 import HTTPConnectionPool pool = HTTPConnectionPool('www.baidu.com', maxsize=1)
res = pool.request('GET', '/s', fields={'wd': 'HELLO'})
By default, the pool will cache just one connection. If you’re planning on using such a pool in a multithreaded
environment, you should set the maxsize of the pool to a higher number, such as the number of threads. You can
also control many other variables like timeout, blocking, and default headers.
A ConnectionPool can be used as a context manager to automatically clear the pool after usage.
with HTTPConnectionPool('www.baidu.com', maxsize=1) as pool:
res = pool.request('GET', '/s', fields={'wd': 'HELLO'})
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