
Numpy PyTorch
np.ndarray torch.Tensor
np.float32 torch.float32; torch.float
np.float64 torch.float64; torch.double
np.float torch.float16; torch.half
np.int8 torch.int8
np.uint8 torch.uint8
np.int16 torch.int16; torch.short
np.int32 torch.int32; torch.int
np.int64 torch.int64; torch.long


零和一(Ones and zeros)

Numpy PyTorch
np.empty((2, 3)) torch.empty(2, 3)
np.empty_like(x) torch.empty_like(x)
np.eye torch.eye
np.identity torch.eye
np.ones torch.ones
np.ones_like torch.ones_like
np.zeros torch.zeros
np.zeros_like torch.zeros_like


Numpy PyTorch
np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
np.array([3.2, 4.3], dtype=np.float16)np.float16([3.2, 4.3]) torch.tensor([3.2, 4.3], dtype=torch.float16)
x.copy() x.clone()
np.fromfile(file) torch.tensor(torch.Storage(file))
np.load torch.load
np.concatenate torch.cat


Numpy PyTorch
np.arange(10) torch.arange(10)
np.arange(2, 3, 0.1) torch.arange(2, 3, 0.1)
np.linspace torch.linspace
np.logspace torch.logspace


Numpy PyTorch
np.diag torch.diag
np.tril torch.tril
np.triu torch.triu


Numpy PyTorch
x.shape x.shape
x.strides x.stride()
x.ndim x.dim()
x.data x.data
x.size x.nelement()
x.dtype x.dtype


Numpy PyTorch
x[0] x[0]
x[:, 0] x[:, 0]
x[indices] x[indices]
np.take(x, indices) torch.take(x, torch.LongTensor(indices))
x[x != 0] x[x != 0]


Numpy PyTorch
x.reshape x.reshape; x.view
x.resize() x.resize_
null x.resize_as_
x.transpose x.transpose or x.permute
x.flatten x.view(-1)
x.squeeze() x.squeeze()
x[:, np.newaxis]; np.expand_dims(x, 1) x.unsqueeze(1)


Numpy PyTorch
x.put x.put_
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])x.repeat(2) # [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])x.repeat(2) # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]x.repeat(2).reshape(2, -1).transpose(1, 0).reshape(-1) # [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
np.tile(x, (3, 2)) x.repeat(3, 2)
np.sort sorted, indices = torch.sort(x, [dim])
np.argsort sorted, indices = torch.sort(x, [dim])
np.nonzero torch.nonzero
np.where torch.where


Numpy PyTorch
x.min x.min
x.argmin x.argmin
x.max x.max
x.argmax x.argmax
x.clip x.clamp
x.round x.round
np.floor(x) torch.floor(x); x.floor()
np.ceil(x) torch.ceil(x); x.ceil()
x.trace x.trace
x.sum x.sum
x.cumsum x.cumsum
x.mean x.mean
x.std x.std
x.prod x.prod
x.cumprod x.cumprod
x.all (x == 1).sum() == x.nelement()
x.any (x == 1).sum() > 0


Numpy PyTorch
np.less x.lt
np.less_equal x.le
np.greater x.gt
np.greater_equal x.ge
np.equal x.eq
np.not_equal x.ne

pytorch与tensorflow API速查表

方法名称 pytroch tensorflow numpy
裁剪 torch.clamp(x, min, max) tf.clip_by_value(x, min, max) np.clip(x, min, max)
取最小值 torch.min(x, dim)[0] tf.min(x, axis) np.min(x , axis)
取两个tensor的最大值 torch.max(x, y) tf.maximum(x, y) np.maximum(x, y)
取两个tensor的最小值 torch.min(x, y) torch.minimum(x, y) np.minmum(x, y)
取最大值索引 torch.max(x, dim)[1] tf.argmax(x, axis) np.argmax(x, axis)
取最小值索引 torch.min(x, dim)[1] tf.argmin(x, axis) np.argmin(x, axis)
比较(x > y) torch.gt(x, y) tf.greater(x, y) np.greater(x, y)
比较(x < y) torch.le(x, y) tf.less(x, y) np.less(x, y)
比较(x==y) torch.eq(x, y) tf.equal(x, y) np.equal(x, y)
比较(x!=y) torch.ne(x, y) tf.not_equal(x, y) np.not_queal(x , y)
取符合条件值的索引 torch.nonzero(cond) tf.where(cond) np.where(cond)
多个tensor聚合 torch.cat([x, y], dim) tf.concat([x,y], axis) np.concatenate([x,y], axis)
堆叠成一个tensor torch.stack([x1, x2], dim) tf.stack([x1, x2], axis) np.stack([x, y], axis)
tensor切成多个tensor torch.split(x1, split_size_or_sections, dim) tf.split(x1, num_or_size_splits, axis) np.split(x1, indices_or_sections, axis)
` torch.unbind(x1, dim) tf.unstack(x1,axis) NULL
随机扰乱 torch.randperm(n) 1 tf.random_shuffle(x) np.random.shuffle(x) 2 np.random.permutation(x ) 3
前k个值 torch.topk(x, n, sorted, dim) tf.nn.top_k(x, n, sorted) NULL
  1. 该方法只能对0~n-1自然数随机扰乱,所以先对索引随机扰乱,然后再根据扰乱后的索引取相应的数据得到扰乱后的数据
  2. 该方法会修改原值,没有返回值
  3. 该方法不会修改原值,返回扰乱后的值


  1. torch.Tensor和numpy.ndarray

    1. torch.Tensor和numpy.ndarray相互转换 import torch import numpy as np # <class 'numpy.ndarray'> np ...

  2. Python中 list, numpy.array, torch.Tensor 格式相互转化

    1.1 list 转 numpy ndarray = np.array(list) 1.2 numpy 转 list list = ndarray.tolist() 2.1 list 转 torch. ...

  3. 解决Tensorflow ValueError: Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor (Unsupported object type numpy.ndarray)

    问题描述 在将一个数组送入tensorflow训练时,报错如下: ValueError: Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor (Unsupporte ...

  4. has invalid type <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, must be a string or Tensor

    转自: https://blog.csdn.net/jacke121/article/details/78833922 has invalid type <class 'numpy.ndarra ...

  5. 关于类型为numpy,TensorFlow.tensor,torch.tensor的shape变化以及相互转化

    https://blog.csdn.net/zz2230633069/article/details/82669546 2018年09月12日 22:56:50 一只tobey 阅读数:727   1 ...

  6. tensorflow2.0 numpy.ndarray 与tenor直接互转

    1.代码参考 import numpy as npimport tensorflow as tf a = np.random.random((5,3)) b = np.random.randint(0 ...

  7. Numpy - 多维数组(上)

    一.实验说明 numpy 包为 Python 提供了高性能的向量,矩阵以及高阶数据结构.由于它们是由 C 和 Fortran 实现的,所以在操作向量与矩阵时性能非常优越. 1. 环境登录 无需密码自动 ...

  8. python中numpy.ndarray.shape的用法

    今天用到了shape,就顺便学习一下,这个shape的作用就是要把矩阵进行行列转换,请看下面的几个例子就明白了: >>> import numpy as np >>> ...

  9. NumPy Ndarray 对象

    NumPy Ndarray 对象 NumPy 最重要的一个特点是其 N 维数组对象 ndarray,它是一系列同类型数据的集合,以 0 下标为开始进行集合中元素的索引. ndarray 对象是用于存放 ...


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