Numpy | PyTorch |
np.ndarray | torch.Tensor |
np.float32 | torch.float32; torch.float |
np.float64 | torch.float64; torch.double |
np.float | torch.float16; torch.half |
np.int8 | torch.int8 |
np.uint8 | torch.uint8 |
np.int16 | torch.int16; torch.short |
np.int32 | torch.int32; |
np.int64 | torch.int64; torch.long |
零和一(Ones and zeros)
Numpy | PyTorch |
np.empty((2, 3)) | torch.empty(2, 3) |
np.empty_like(x) | torch.empty_like(x) |
np.eye | torch.eye |
np.identity | torch.eye |
np.ones | torch.ones |
np.ones_like | torch.ones_like |
np.zeros | torch.zeros |
np.zeros_like | torch.zeros_like |
Numpy | PyTorch |
np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) | torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) |
np.array([3.2, 4.3], dtype=np.float16)np.float16([3.2, 4.3]) | torch.tensor([3.2, 4.3], dtype=torch.float16) |
x.copy() | x.clone() |
np.fromfile(file) | torch.tensor(torch.Storage(file)) |
np.frombuffer | |
np.fromfunction | |
np.fromiter | |
np.fromstring | |
np.load | torch.load |
np.loadtxt | |
np.concatenate | |
Numpy | PyTorch |
np.arange(10) | torch.arange(10) |
np.arange(2, 3, 0.1) | torch.arange(2, 3, 0.1) |
np.linspace | torch.linspace |
np.logspace | torch.logspace |
Numpy | PyTorch |
np.diag | torch.diag |
np.tril | torch.tril |
np.triu | torch.triu |
Numpy | PyTorch |
x.shape | x.shape |
x.strides | x.stride() |
x.ndim | x.dim() | | |
x.size | x.nelement() |
x.dtype | x.dtype |
Numpy | PyTorch |
x[0] | x[0] |
x[:, 0] | x[:, 0] |
x[indices] | x[indices] |
np.take(x, indices) | torch.take(x, torch.LongTensor(indices)) |
x[x != 0] | x[x != 0] |
Numpy | PyTorch |
x.reshape | x.reshape; x.view |
x.resize() | x.resize_ |
null | x.resize_as_ |
x.transpose | x.transpose or x.permute |
x.flatten | x.view(-1) |
x.squeeze() | x.squeeze() |
x[:, np.newaxis]; np.expand_dims(x, 1) | x.unsqueeze(1) |
Numpy | PyTorch |
np.put | |
x.put | x.put_ |
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])x.repeat(2) # [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] | x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])x.repeat(2) # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]x.repeat(2).reshape(2, -1).transpose(1, 0).reshape(-1) # [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] |
np.tile(x, (3, 2)) | x.repeat(3, 2) |
np.choose | |
np.sort | sorted, indices = torch.sort(x, [dim]) |
np.argsort | sorted, indices = torch.sort(x, [dim]) |
np.nonzero | torch.nonzero |
np.where | torch.where |
x[::-1] |
Numpy | PyTorch |
x.min | x.min |
x.argmin | x.argmin |
x.max | x.max |
x.argmax | x.argmax |
x.clip | x.clamp |
x.round | x.round |
np.floor(x) | torch.floor(x); x.floor() |
np.ceil(x) | torch.ceil(x); x.ceil() |
x.trace | x.trace |
x.sum | x.sum |
x.cumsum | x.cumsum |
x.mean | x.mean |
x.std | x.std | | |
x.cumprod | x.cumprod |
x.all | (x == 1).sum() == x.nelement() |
x.any | (x == 1).sum() > 0 |
Numpy | PyTorch |
np.less | |
np.less_equal | x.le |
np.greater | |
np.greater_equal | |
np.equal | x.eq |
np.not_equal | |
pytorch与tensorflow API速查表
方法名称 | pytroch | tensorflow | numpy |
裁剪 | torch.clamp(x, min, max) | tf.clip_by_value(x, min, max) | np.clip(x, min, max) |
取最小值 | torch.min(x, dim)[0] | tf.min(x, axis) | np.min(x , axis) |
取两个tensor的最大值 | torch.max(x, y) | tf.maximum(x, y) | np.maximum(x, y) |
取两个tensor的最小值 | torch.min(x, y) | torch.minimum(x, y) | np.minmum(x, y) |
取最大值索引 | torch.max(x, dim)[1] | tf.argmax(x, axis) | np.argmax(x, axis) |
取最小值索引 | torch.min(x, dim)[1] | tf.argmin(x, axis) | np.argmin(x, axis) |
比较(x > y) |, y) | tf.greater(x, y) | np.greater(x, y) |
比较(x < y) | torch.le(x, y) | tf.less(x, y) | np.less(x, y) |
比较(x==y) | torch.eq(x, y) | tf.equal(x, y) | np.equal(x, y) |
比较(x!=y) |, y) | tf.not_equal(x, y) | np.not_queal(x , y) |
取符合条件值的索引 | torch.nonzero(cond) | tf.where(cond) | np.where(cond) |
多个tensor聚合 |[x, y], dim) | tf.concat([x,y], axis) | np.concatenate([x,y], axis) |
堆叠成一个tensor | torch.stack([x1, x2], dim) | tf.stack([x1, x2], axis) | np.stack([x, y], axis) |
tensor切成多个tensor | torch.split(x1, split_size_or_sections, dim) | tf.split(x1, num_or_size_splits, axis) | np.split(x1, indices_or_sections, axis) |
` | torch.unbind(x1, dim) | tf.unstack(x1,axis) | NULL |
随机扰乱 | torch.randperm(n) 1 | tf.random_shuffle(x) | np.random.shuffle(x) 2 np.random.permutation(x ) 3 |
前k个值 | torch.topk(x, n, sorted, dim) | tf.nn.top_k(x, n, sorted) | NULL |
- 该方法只能对0~n-1自然数随机扰乱,所以先对索引随机扰乱,然后再根据扰乱后的索引取相应的数据得到扰乱后的数据
- 该方法会修改原值,没有返回值
- 该方法不会修改原值,返回扰乱后的值
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