# SuperObject

## What is JSON ?

- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format.
- It is easy for humans to read and write.
- It is easy for machines to parse and generate.
- It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999.
- JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers.
- These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.
- You can get more informations on [](

"name": "Jon Snow", /* this is a comment */
"dead": true,
"telephones": ["000000000", "111111111111"],
"age": 33,
"size": 1.83,
"adresses": [
"adress": "foo",
"city": "The wall",
"pc": 57000
"adress": "foo",
"city": "Winterfell",
"pc": 44000

## Parsing a JSON data structure

obj: ISuperObject;
obj := SO('{"foo": true}');
obj := TSuperObject.ParseString('{"foo": true}');
obj := TSuperObject.ParseStream(stream);
obj := TSuperObject.ParseFile(FileName);

## Accessing data

There isn't individual datastructure for each supported data types.
They are all an object: the ISuperObject.

val := obj.AsString;
val := obj.AsInteger;
val := obj.AsBoolean;
val := obj.AsDouble;
val := obj.AsArray;
val := obj.AsObject;
val := obj.AsMethod;

## How to read a property value of an object ?

val := obj.AsObject.S['foo']; // get a string
val := obj.AsObject.I['foo']; // get an Int64
val := obj.AsObject.B['foo']; // get a Boolean
val := obj.AsObject.D['foo']; // get a Double
val := obj.AsObject.O['foo']; // get an Object (default)
val := obj.AsObject.M['foo']; // get a Method
val := obj.AsObject.N['foo']; // get a null object

## How to read a value from an array ?

// the advanced way
val := obj.AsArray.S[0]; // get a string
val := obj.AsArray.I[0]; // get an Int64
val := obj.AsArray.B[0]; // get a Boolean
val := obj.AsArray.D[0]; // get a Double
val := obj.AsArray.O[0]; // get an Object (default)
val := obj.AsArray.M[0]; // get a Method
val := obj.AsArray.N[0]; // get a null object

## Using paths

Using paths is a very productive method to find an object when you know where is it.
This is some usage cases:

obj['foo']; // get a property
obj['123']; // get an item array
obj['foo.list']; // get a property from an object
obj['foo[123]']; // get an item array from an object
obj['foo(1,2,3)']; // call a method
obj['foo[]'] := value; // add an item array

you also can encapsulate paths:

obj := so('{"index": 1, "items": ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3"]}');
obj['items[index]'] // return "item 2"

or recreate a new data structure from another:

obj := so('{"index": 1, "items": ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3"]}');
obj['{"item": items[index], "index": index}'] // return {"item": "item 2", "index": 1}

## Browsing data structure
### Using Delphi enumerator.

Using Delphi enumerator you can browse item's array or property's object value in the same maner.

item: ISuperObject;
for item in obj['items'] do ...

you can also browse the keys and values of an object like this:

item: TSuperAvlEntry;
for item in obj.AsObject do ...

### Browsing object properties without enumerator

item: TSuperObjectIter;
if ObjectFindFirst(obj, item) then
until not ObjectFindNext(item);

### Browsing array items without enumerator

item: Integer;
for item := 0 to obj.AsArray.Length - 1 do

## RTTI & marshalling in Delphi 2010

TData = record
str: string;
int: Integer;
bool: Boolean;
flt: Double;
ctx: TSuperRttiContext;
data: TData;
obj: ISuperObject;
ctx := TSuperRttiContext.Create;
data := ctx.AsType<TData>(SO('{str: "foo", int: 123, bool: true, flt: 1.23}'));
obj := ctx.AsJson<TData>(data);

## Saving data


## Helpers

SO(['prop1', true, 'prop2', 123]); // return an object {"prop1": true, "prop2": 123}
SA([true, 123]); // return an array [true, 123]

## Non canonical forms

The SuperObject is able to parse non canonical forms.

// unquoted identifiers
SO('{foo: true}');
// unescaped or unquoted strings
SO('{собственность: bla bla bla}');
// excadecimal
SO('{foo: \xFF}');


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    unit Unit1; interface uses   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, For ...

  5. JSON 之 SuperObject(9): TSuperType

    unit Unit1; interface uses   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, For ...

  6. JSON 之 SuperObject(8): 关于乱码的几种情况 - 向 Henri Gourvest 大师报告

    这几天学习 JSON - SuperObject, 非常幸运地得到了其作者 Henri Gourvest 大师的同步指点! (Henri 大师也是 DSPack 和 GDI+ 头文件的作者; 大师是法 ...

  7. JSON 之 SuperObject(6): 方法

    SuperObject 的 JSON 对象中还可以包含 "方法", 这太有意思了; 其方法的格式是: procedure Method(const This, Params: IS ...

  8. JSON 之 SuperObject(7): 可以省略的双引号

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  9. JSON 之 SuperObject(4): 增、删、改

    unit Unit1; interface uses   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, For ...

  10. JSON 之 SuperObject(5): Format 与转义字符

    unit Unit1; interface uses   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, For ...


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