

A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.

Return a deep copy of the list.



其次,原链表中的random指针如何映射呢?比如上图中,1节点的random指针指向3,4节点的random指针指向2。如果有一个tmp指针指向1(蓝色),则一条语句:tmp.next.random = tmp.random.next;就可以解决这个问题。



  1. # Definition for singly-linked list with a random pointer.
  2. # class RandomListNode:
  3. # def __init__(self, x):
  4. # self.label = x
  5. # self.next = None
  6. # self.random = None
  8. class Solution:
  9. # @param head, a RandomListNode
  10. # @return a RandomListNode
  11. def copyRandomList(self, head):
  12. if head == None: return None
  13. tmp = head
  14. while tmp:
  15. newNode = RandomListNode(tmp.label)
  16. newNode.next = tmp.next
  17. tmp.next = newNode
  18. tmp = tmp.next.next
  19. tmp = head
  20. while tmp:
  21. if tmp.random:
  22. tmp.next.random = tmp.random.next
  23. tmp = tmp.next.next
  24. newhead = head.next
  25. pold = head
  26. pnew = newhead
  27. while pnew.next:
  28. pold.next = pnew.next
  29. pold = pold.next
  30. pnew.next = pold.next
  31. pnew = pnew.next
  32. pold.next = None
  33. pnew.next = None
  34. return newhead

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