CSS starts
I have not written any articles here since I graduated from my university. Now I begin to write down my experience about my career of programming during learning various technology of computer science. I confess I am not at good at english, but I still want to convey my feelings and spark related to computer science in english.
There should be not any nonsense.
When talking to CSS, I have not any knowledge about it, except knowing it used as a method about web design. I use it in my website only when I want to display the content in a good style. That is to say, I wish my web will not look so ugly. That's all.
So, as a consequence, the way I 'design' my web is just to imitate others' web and somethimes even copy. It's easy, and looks good. But that is not the purpose of CSS coming out. And the bad result is that each element of html laied out spends much of my time, with a terrific style and terrible extension. You may have not ever seen a html that fill with div element and span. Each html element is used just because that guy also use it. Year, there is no other reason. It is ugly.
In the popular book of css design, named "the Zen of CSS design", I find many new ideas and viewpoints that change my mind about css. To have a wonderful web, it's not a good idea to copy others's css source code, instead employing html elements that you really need and suit your content. The author tells that when you construct your html frame, make sure each tool just do their job instead of putted in a wrong position. That is to say, a html is responsible for content displaied and css concentrate on style of a html. this is the core viewpoint of the author. It's a common sense that html tags do some job of css. It makes designer baffling and not good at web design. CSS should undertake the style display work from html tags.
Though div and span tags play a important role in web design, designers will counter chaos if they use excess div and span tags . In the book, the author suggest designers should use html tags as less as possible . When designers want to show a image , the book recommend them to use background attribute instead of img tag.
In the book, I learn a skill to put a element in the center of a page. That is useful as we often have to use the skill. Details will be found in that book.
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