HDU 5677 ztr loves substring
Manacher+二维费用多重背包 二进制优化
using namespace std; const int maxn = ;
int N, p[maxn];
char str[maxn], b[maxn];
int cnt[maxn];
int n, k, L;
bool dp[maxn][maxn]; void init()
int i;
for (i = ; str[i]; i++) b[ * i + ] = '#', b[ * i + ] = str[i];
N = * i + ;
b[] = '$', b[N] = b[N + ] = '#';
} void solve()
int i, id, max = ;
for (i = ; i <= N; i++)
p[i] = i < max ? std::min(max - i, p[ * id - i]) : ;
while (b[i + p[i]] == b[i - p[i]]) ++p[i];
if (i + p[i] > max) max = i + p[i], id = i;
cnt[p[i] - ]++;
int main()
int T; scanf("%d", &T);
while (T--)
memset(dp, , sizeof dp); dp[][] = ;
memset(cnt, , sizeof cnt);
scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &k, &L);
while (n--){ scanf("%s", str); init(); solve(); }
for (int i = ; i >= ; i--)
cnt[i] = cnt[i] + cnt[i + ];
for (int i = ; i >= ; i--)
if (cnt[i] == ) continue;
int val = i, num = cnt[i];
int t = ;
while (num)
if (num > t)
int tmp_val = val*t;
for (int d = L; d >= ; d--)
for (int f = k; f >= ; f--)
if (dp[d][f] == ) continue;
if (d + tmp_val <= L&&f + t <= k)
dp[d + tmp_val][f + t] = ;
num = num - t;
t = t * ;
int tmp_val = val*num;
for (int d = L; d >= ; d--)
for (int f = k; f >= ; f--)
if (dp[d][f] == ) continue;
if (d + tmp_val <= L&&f + num <= k)
dp[d + tmp_val][f + num] = ;
num = ;
if (dp[L][k]) printf("True\n");
else printf("False\n");
return ;
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