题目链接:hdu 5091 Beam Cannon




#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std;
const int maxn = 40005;
const int bw = 20000; #define lson(x) ((x)<<1)
#define rson(x) (((x)<<1)|1)
int lc[maxn << 2], rc[maxn << 2], ad[maxn << 2], nd[maxn << 2]; inline void pushup(int u) {
nd[u] = max(nd[lson(u)], + nd[rson(u)]) + ad[u];
} inline void maintain(int u, int v) {
ad[u] += v;
nd[u] += v;
} void build(int u, int l, int r) {
lc[u] = l;
rc[u] = r;
ad[u] = nd[u] = 0; if (l == r)
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
build(lson(u), l, mid);
build(rson(u), mid + 1, r);
} void modify(int u, int l, int r, int v) {
if (l <= lc[u] && rc[u] <= r) {
maintain(u, v);
} int mid = (lc[u] + rc[u]) >> 1;
if (l <= mid)
modify(lson(u), l, r, v);
if (r > mid)
modify(rson(u), l, r, v);
} int query(int u, int l, int r) {
if (l <= lc[u] && rc[u] <= r)
return nd[u]; int mid = (lc[u] + rc[u]) >> 1, ret = 0;
if (l <= mid)
ret = max(ret, query(lson(u), l, r));
if (r > mid)
ret = max(ret, query(rson(u), l, r));
return ret;
} struct Seg {
int x, l, r, w;
Seg(int x = 0, int l = 0, int r = 0, int w = 0) {
this->x = x;
this->l = l;
this->r = r;
this->w = w;
vector<Seg> G; inline bool cmp (const Seg& a, const Seg& b) {
if (a.x != b.x)
return a.x < b.x;
return a.w < b.w;
} int N, W, H; void init () {
int x, y;
scanf("%d%d", &W, &H);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
G.push_back(Seg(x, y + bw, min(bw, y + H) + bw, 1));
G.push_back(Seg(x + W + 1, y + bw, min(bw, y + H) + bw, -1));
build(1, 0, bw * 2);
sort(G.begin(), G.end(), cmp);
} int main () { while (scanf("%d", &N) == 1 && N != -1) {
int ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < G.size(); i++) {
modify(1, G[i].l, G[i].r, G[i].w);
ans = max(ans, nd[1]);
printf("%d\n", ans);
return 0;


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